Projects | Document Control | Submittals | Scheduling | Vendors
24 articles
RedTeam Flex Document Control
Requests for Information (RFI) | RFI: PDF markup Annotation | Project Correspondence | Meeting Minutes & Agendas | Spreadsheets | Performance Overview | Project Documents: Custom Folders and Files
RedTeam Flex - Performance OverviewThe Performance Overview, sometimes referred to in industry terms as a PM Report.
RedTeam Flex - Manage Requests for Information (RFI)This article details the process of creating, committing, submitting, answering, tracking and marking up RFIs
RedTeam Flex - Manage MeetingsMeeting Minutes are written records or notes of a meeting.
RedTeam Flex - Nesting Project Issues
RedTeam Flex - Manage Project IssuesAs Issues arise during the course of a job, RedTeam allows you to track them as they are discussed and addressed by your team.
RedTeam Flex - SpreadsheetsRedTeam can incorporate active spreadsheet documents within a project.
RedTeam Flex - Manage Project CorrespondenceCorrespondence for a project is any communication between yourself and members of your project team, etc.
RedTeam Flex - Export Projects listTools to export data from your Projects
RedTeam Flex Submittals
Project Submittals | Submittal Requests | Requests for Approval | Submittal Notifications
RedTeam Flex - Request Deliverable ItemsA request to vendor is an official inquiry sent to a vendor that requests documents related to a job.
RedTeam Flex - Configure Submittal TypesWhen users create and add Submittal items to a Project, one of the required fields is to select the Submittal Type(s).
RedTeam Flex - Manage Submittal Requests for ApprovalIn the Submittal Workflow process, the Request for Approval is the grouping or package of Submittal items.
RedTeam Flex - Manage Submittal WorkflowThis article describes the process of creating Submittals and routing them through the Submittal Workflow.
RedTeam Flex - Submittal Stamps & MarkupsIn construction, Submittals are data items provided to the Customer pursuant to the contract.
RedTeam Scheduling
Gantt Scheduling | Milestones | Schedule Updates
RedTeam Flex - Manage Project Gantt ScheduleThe Gant schedule is a special chart used to illustrate scheduled tasks and milestones within the project.
RedTeam Flex - Manage project MilestonesThe Progress tab is designed to let you manage processes while your job is in progress, such as Daily Progress Reports and Milestones.
RedTeam Flex - Getting Started: Performance ManagementPerformance Management refers to the ongoing process of tracking and managing performance while a job is in progress.
RedTeam Vendors
Vendor Management
RedTeam Flex - Manage Vendors OverviewThe Vendors Overview is a master directory of all Vendor profiles that exist in RedTeam for your company.
RedTeam Flex - Add Vendors to RedTeamThe term Vendor in RedTeam refers to a subcontractor, material supplier, or an entity which your company pays for materials or services.
RedTeam Flex - Manage Vendor RatingsVendor ratings are a great way to keep track of how well or how poorly a particular Vendor performed on a project.
RedTeam Flex - Manage Vendor EntityWithin RedTeam, a Vendor refers to a subcontractor, or material provider: any company you plan to pay for services or goods.
RedTeam Flex - Vendor QualificationsVendor Qualifications are an optional way of organizing vendors by the type of projects they are suited for.
RedTeam Flex - Notification of Payment
RedTeam Flex - Manage Vendor DirectivesA Vendor Directive is an official directive, or order, to perform services that are amendments to the original scope of work.