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RedTeam Flex - Manage Submittal Workflow

This article describes the process of creating Submittals and routing them through the Submittal Workflow.

Updated over a year ago

In construction, Submittals are data items provided to the Customer pursuant to the contract. These are often items that require approval prior to installation in order to ensure that the completed work reflects the intended design outlined by the Customer in the contract.

Additionally, the Submittal process can be used for what are commonly referred to as "closeout documents," data items required by contract that are not delivered until completion of the work, such as warranties and operations and maintenance manuals. Anything that you request from a Vendor and transmit to a Customer or Customer representative (architect, engineer, etc.) for approval, can be managed through the Submittal workflow in RedTeam.

The Submittals workflow is made up of 10 headings that indicate exactly what stage of the process each of your Submittal items are currently in. The wikis below will guide you through each process and stage of your Submittals workflow.

Details of the submittal approval and review history, along with email logs, are tracked by the Metadata Logs.

1. Create a Submittal Item

The first step of the submittal process is to begin creating the list of submittals you will need to gather, review, and submit for approval. Submittals can be created from two places:

Creating a Commitment in the Buyout tab of a Project (Step 5)

Submittals tab of a Project

You have the opportunity to identify the submittals that will be required as part of the terms of a Commitment (subcontract agreement, PO, etc.) while you are drafting the document. In Step 5, you can add the required submittals, which will be automatically inserted into the Submittals tab under the first heading: 01-JUST CREATED.

Alternatively, you can create submittals at any time directly from the Submittals tab, by simply clicking the Add (+) icon. All new Submittals will be be inserted under the first heading: 01-JUST CREATED. To create submittals in the Submittal tab of a Project, follow the instructions below.


  1. From the Project's home menu, click "Project Submittals"

  2. Click the New (+) icon


  1. From the Project's Submittals tab, select the New "+" icon

  2. Click "Add Submittal Item" to create a new Submittal, or "Import Default Submittal Items" to import from the default set in Configuration

  3. For new Submittal items, enter the Subject and select the Cost Code

    1. (Optional) Add a reference (spec book number, drawing page, owner assigned number, or anything you want)

    2. (Optional) Enter a Critical date (date the item(s) must be fully approved)

    3. (Optional) Enter a Required date (date items must be received from the Vendor provider)

  4. Select the Type(s) from the dropdown and click on them to add them (you can add, modify, or remove the types dropdown in the Configuration menu

  5. Click "Save"

2. Commit a Submittal Item

Once Submittal items have been created and inserted under the first heading: 01-JUST CREATED, you will want to Commit them to move them to the second heading: 02-COMMITTED, in order to begin uploading files and/or requesting the files from your Vendors.

If you are required to submit a preliminary submittal log to a client or architect for review before you begin requesting the items, you may create all items under the first heading: 01-JUST CREATED, then view the Submittal Log and submit it for approval. The approved items will then be Committed to the next stage, and anything not required can be deleted.

If you do not need to submit a preliminary log and you are happy with the items listed under the first heading, 01-JUST CREATED, you can Commit the items and begin uploading files you have and requesting those you don't from your Vendors.


  1. From the Project's home menu, click "Project Submittals"


  1. Click on the Submittals tab on the far right of the project screen.

  2. Click the heading, 01-JUST CREATED, to expand the list and display the Draft Submittal items

  3. Select the submittal items you are ready to Commit by clicking the checkboxes, then click "Commit"

  4. Alternately, you may Commit submittal items individually by clicking the tool and selecting "Commit"

  5. Committed submittal items will move to the second heading: 02-COMMITTED

3. Create and Send a Request for Submittals

Once you have finalized and Committed the Submittal items to the second heading: 02-COMMITTED, you are ready to begin requesting these items from your Vendors. You have the option to group like Submittal items into a document called a Request for Submittals. This document is issued to your Vendor with a Required date by which they need to provide you with the requested items. The Vendor will have the ability to upload their submittal files from the Request for Submittals email that you send them.

If you have already received Submittals from your Vendors, you can skip this step by Editing the Submittal item and uploading the file(s). The Edit function can be accessed via the tools icon for the Submittal in question.


  1. From the Project's home menu, click "Project Submittals"


  1. Click on the Submittals tab on the far right of the project screen.

  2. Click the heading, 02-COMMITTED, to expand the list and display the Committed Submittal items

  3. To combine multiple submittal items into one Request, click the checkboxes for the items you want to include

  4. Click the tools icon for any of the selected submittal items

  5. Click "Request for Submittals"

  6. Enter a Subject and select the Author of the Request and the Provider of the submittals

  7. Enter the Required date, or deadline for the Vendor/Provider to return the submittal items

    1. (Optional) Enter instructions to be displayed on the Request for Submittals document

  8. If you require more than one copy of a submittal item, indicate the number of copies next to each item below

  9. Click "Save"

  10. From the confirmation window, click "View Request for Submittals" to review, Commit, and email the document

  11. Once the confirmation window is closed, you can open and view the Request from the tools icon or by clicking the RFS number to the right

  12. In the top right corner, click "Commit" to remove the DRAFT watermark from the document

  13. In the top right corner, click "email" to send the Request for Submittals to the Vendor

4. Upload Submittal Files from a Vendor

Once you have created, committed, and sent the Request for Submittals document to your Vendor, the submittal items will be located under the third heading: 03-REQUESTED. They will remain in this section until the submittal items have been received from the Vendor.

Submittal items can be received from Vendors two ways:

  1. Vendors can upload the files in the Request for Submittals document you sent them

  2. You can upload the files directly to the submittal items on their behalf

The below instructions are for the second option, uploading files inside RedTeam Flex.


  1. From the Project's home menu, click "Project Submittals"


  1. Click on the Submittals tab on the far right of the project screen.

  2. Click the heading, 03-REQUESTED, to expand the list and display the Requested Submittal items

  3. Click the tool icon for the submittal item for which you want to upload a file

  4. Click "Upload File"

  5. Click "+ Add Files" to upload file(s) to each submittal you have received

  6. If there are submittals you have not yet received, uncheck the checkbox next to the items you are still waiting on

  7. Click "Save"

5. Review Submittal Items

Once you have received files from your Vendors, the submittal items will be located under the fourth heading: 04-RECEIVED. They will remain in this section until you mark them as Reviewed.

The review process allows you to review, markup, and re-upload the files you have received from the Vendor before transmitting them for review and approval by your architect, engineer, or owner. If no markups or stamps are required, you do not have to upload a file. You can simply mark the file(s) as Reviewed and they will move to the next section in the Workflow.


  1. From the Project's home menu, click "Project Submittals"


  1. Click on the Submittals tab on the far right of the project screen.

  2. Click the heading, 04-RECEIVED, to expand the list and display the Received Submittal items

  3. Click the tool icon for the submittal item you want to review

  4. Click "Upload Review"

  5. On the left, you will see the file(s) received from the Vendor and on the right, you can click the "Select from Received" these files and marked Reviewed

  6. If there are submittals you have not yet reviewed, uncheck the checkbox next to the items that are pending review

  7. Click "Save"

6. Create and Send a Request for Approval

Once you have received and reviewed the files from your Vendor, and they have moved to the fifth heading: 05-REVIEWED, you are ready to begin submitting these items for approval. You have the option to group like submittal items into a document called a Request for Approval. This document is issued to your owner, architect, or engineer (or all who apply) with a Critical date by which they need to provide you with an answer. The recipient(s) will have the ability to enter their answer as well as upload any revised files from the Request for Approval email that you send them.


  1. From the Project's home menu, click "Project Submittals"


  1. Click on the Submittals tab on the far right of the project screen.

  2. Click the heading, 05-REVIEWED, to expand the list and display the Reviewed Submittal items

  3. To combine multiple submittals items into one Request, click the checkboxes for the items you want to include

  4. Click the tool icon for any of the selected submittal items

  5. Click "Request for Approval"

  6. Enter a Subject and select a recipient(Approvers) and any other contacts you want to CC

  7. Enter the Critical date, or deadline for the recipient(s) to respond with their answer, for each item included in the Request

    1. (Optional) Enter instructions to be displayed on the Request for Approval document

  8. If you are including more than one copy of a submittal item, indicate the number of copies next to each item below

  9. Click "Save"

  10. From the confirmation window, click "View Request for Approval" to review, Commit, and email the document.

  11. If the confirmation window is closed, you can open & view the Request by clicking the tool icon for the submittal item & View > Request for Approval

  12. In the top right corner, click "Commit" to remove the DRAFT watermark from the document

  13. In the top right corner, click "email" to send the Request for Submittals to the Vendor

7. Enter Submittal Answer and Upload Revised Files

Once you have created, committed, and sent the Request for Approval document to your customer, architect, or engineer (or all of the above) the submittal items will be located under the sixth heading: 06-SUBMITTED. They will remain in this section until the answer/response has been received.

Responses to Submittal items can be received two ways:

  1. Recipient(s) can submit an answer and upload revised files in the Request for Approval document you sent them

  2. You can enter the answer and upload the files directly to the submittal items on their behalf

The steps below provides instructions for the second option, entering an answer and uploading files inside RedTeam Flex.


  1. From the Project's home menu, click "Project Submittals"


  1. Click on the Submittals tab on the far right of the project screen.

  2. Click the heading, 06-SUBMITTED, to expand the list and display the Submitted Submittal items

  3. Click the tool icon for the submittal item(s) for which you want to enter an answer

  4. Click "Upload Response"

  5. Select the answer from the Status dropdown and enter the date the answer was received

    1. (Optional) Add any relevant notes and upload any files

  6. Click "Save"

8. Create and Send a Notification to Vendor

Once you have received an answer and revised files from your customer, architect, or engineer (or all of the above) and they have moved to the seventh heading: 07-ANSWERED, you are ready to notify your Vendors of the response(s). You have the option to group like submittal items into a document called a Notification to Vendor. This document is issued to the Vendor who originally provided the submittal items. The recipient(s) will have the ability to enter their acknowledgement of the customer/architect/engineer response.


  1. From the Project's home menu, click "Project Submittals"


  1. Click on the Submittals tab on the far right of the project screen.

  2. Click the heading, 07-ANSWERED, to expand the list and display the Answered Submittal items

  3. To combine multiple submittals items into one Notification, click the checkboxes for the items you want to include

  4. Click the tool icon for any of the selected submittal items

  5. Click "Notification to Vendor"

  6. Enter a subject for the Notification email and include a Submitted date

    1. (Optional) Add any instructions and/or additional notes for the Vendor

  7. Click "Save"

  8. From the confirmation window, click "View Notification to Vendor" to review, Commit, and email the document

  9. If the confirmation window is closed, you can open & view the Notification by clicking the tool icon & View > Notification

  10. In the top right corner, click "Commit" to remove the DRAFT watermark from the document

  11. In the top right corner, click "email" to send the Request for Submittals to the Vendor

9. Enter Acknowledgement Response from a Vendor

Once you have created, committed, and sent the Notification to Vendor document to your Vendor, the submittal items will be located under the eighth heading: 08-NOTIFIED. They will remain in this section until the Vendor's acknowledgement of the owner/architect/engineer response is noted.

Acknowledgement of response to Submittal items is entered directly into the submittal item on the Vendor's behalf by a RedTeam Flex user. The acknowledgement can be entered from the Tool icon by clicking Update Acceptance, or by clicking Edit and scrolling down to Notification Information.


  1. From the Project's home menu, click "Project Submittals"


  1. Click on the Submittals tab on the far right of the project screen.

  2. Click the heading, 08-NOTIFIED, to expand the list and display the Notified Submittal items

  3. Click the tool icon for the submittal item(s) for which you want to enter an acknowledgement

  4. Click "Update Acceptance"

  5. Enter the Answer from the Vendor and the Date received

    1. (Optional) Add any notes from the Vendor regarding their acknowledgement of the submittal status

  6. Click "Save"

10. View the Submittals Log

Each document sent during the Submittal Workflow process (Requests for Submittals, Requests for Approval, and Notifications to Vendors) will be automatically added to a set of document logs, which you can pull from the "View" icon on the Submittals tab of a Project.

From the Submittals Log, you can view, print, and export all the Submittals in each phase of the Submittals Workflow. Each user can save their own set of columns to view and that will apply to all Projects.


  1. From the Project's menu, click "Project Submittals"

  2. Click the View icon.

  3. Select "Submittals Log"

  4. To save Submittal Column Selection. Press the Select Dropdown in the Submittal Log view.

  5. Select the desired columns to save.

11. Upload a Resubmitted Submittal from a Vendor

When a Submittal is "Rejected as Noted" by the Request for Approval recipient(s), the Submittal item will move to the "Answered" heading in the Submittal Workflow with strikethrough font so you can immediately tell it was rejected. At the same time, a new Submittal item will be created automatically in the "Just Created" section of the Workflow. The new Submittal item is the one you will use to upload the resubmitted Submittal item(s).

If you want, you can send a Request for Submittals to the Vendor to allow them to upload the Submittal themselves via the email, or you can manually load it into RedTeam Flex.


  1. First, locate the Submittal Revision (it will have the same Submittal # as the original, plus a Revision #)

  2. If the Submittal item is under "Just Created" you must first Commit it

  3. Once Committed, you have two options:

    1. Send a Request for Submittals to the Vendor (if you do not have the resubmitted file)

    2. Upload the Submittal (if you already have the file)

  4. To send a Request, click the tools icon & select "Request for Submittals" then fill in required fields, save, and view the request to Commit & email

  5. To upload the Submittal, click the tools icon and select "Edit" then upload the file(s) and save

  6. Once the file has been received, follow the remaining steps in the Submittal Workflow process to review, and re-submit the Submittals

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