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RedTeam Flex - Manage Meetings

Meeting Minutes are written records or notes of a meeting.

Updated over 12 months ago

Meeting Minutes are written records or notes of a meeting. They usually summarize important information, beginning with a list of attendees, and including Issues covered as well as discussions and decisions regarding the Issue(s).

In RedTeam Flex, Meeting Minutes are added in the Dialog tab, where all Project Correspondence is stored. RedTeam Flex not only lets you track meeting minutes, but it gives you the option to have several meeting "types" (owner, subcontractor, safety, etc.) as well as track open Issues and the discussions associated with them.

You can create Meeting Minutes from an Agenda, which will pull all of the information already entered and stored, such as who was invited to the meeting, Issues and topics to discuss, and basic information like date, time, & location. If you did not create the Agenda for the meeting in RedTeam Flex, simply add the Minutes manually.

1. Add Meeting Agenda

You can enter Meeting Agendas in RedTeam Flex whenever you have a planned meeting and want to make a record of it in advance, as well as designate issues and discussions to be had. Meeting Agendas allow you to send email invites as a formal invitation to the guest list of meeting participants. That way, the attendees will have an understanding of the purpose of the meeting, will know the issues to be covered, and will be able to view any attached documents in advance.

Meeting Types will be configured in the Configuration Menu by your System Admin. If you have the Permissions: ManageProjMeetingType, ProjMeetingTypeAddEdit, and ProjMeetingTypeDelete, you may be able to access, add/edit, and delete project-specific Meeting Types.

After meetings occur, Meeting Minutes can easily be created from existing Meeting Agendas


  1. Click on "(+) Add icon" and select Meeting Agenda.

  2. Fill in the Meeting Agenda form with the required information and click "Next Step".

  3. To Add Meeting Types to the Project Select from the Type dropdown (Other Meeting Types).

    If it's the first time you use this Meeting Agenda Type, you'd need to fill out all the fields, all this information (Purpose, Venue, invitees, Issues) will populate by default the next time you create a Meeting Agenda of the same Type.

  4. Click "Add Invitees" (Other or from Team) to add people to be invited to the Meeting.
    Once you've completed the form click Next Step to continue.

  5. Add Issues by selecting from the dropdown or by clicking "Add Issue"
    You can select from the list of your Project Issues or create a new one. Once you finish adding the Project Issues to be included in the Agenda, click Next Step.

  6. The last step is to add any attachments you need for your Meeting Agenda.
    Click Link on Option 1 to add an existing file from your Project Documents folder or use Option 2 to upload a file from your computer.

    Once you have all your files click Close form to save and go back to the Manage Meeting Minutes.

2. Add Meeting Minutes from a Meeting Agenda

Meeting Minutes are written records or notes of a meeting. They usually summarize important information, beginning with a list of attendees, and including Issues covered as well as discussions and decisions regarding the Issue(s).

In RedTeam Flex, Meeting Minutes are added in the Dialog tab, where all Contract Correspondence is stored. Entering Meeting Minutes, like entering all Correspondence, gives you more control over your project, and the security of having all the records of your project details.

Meeting Minutes can be created from within an existing Meeting Agenda. The advantage to sending out a Meeting Agenda before the meeting is to give attendees a formal invitation, as well as an idea of the purpose of the meeting, what Issues will be covered, and to include any attached files you might want to provide to attendees before the meeting.

Once the meeting has happened, find the Agenda and create the Minutes to automatically pull all the relevant information already entered in the Agenda into the Minutes. This way, you already know the scheduled date & time, who was invited to attend, Issues expected to be covered, and any other details. All you have to enter are your notes, which can be added as discussions, and indicate which invited members were or were not present.


  1. Locate the Meeting Agenda you want to add Minutes to and click the tools icon.

  2. Click "Create Minutes"

  3. Info from the Agenda is automatically pulled in to the Minutes, but you can Edit if it has changed

  4. Indicate which invitees were or were not present by clicking the arrow beside the name. You can also add any unexpected participants.

  5. In step two, add Discussions to Issues covered in the Meeting by clicking "+Add Discussion" and edit an existing discussion by clicking its tool icon.

  6. Click "Next Step".

  7. Click “Option 1” to link an attachment or Click “Option 2" to Add File to browse for the file on your computer.

  8. Click "Close Form".

3. Add Meeting Minutes Manually

Meeting Minutes are written records or notes of a meeting. They usually summarize important information, beginning with a list of attendees, and including Issues covered as well as discussions and decisions regarding the Issue(s). In RedTeam Flex, Meeting Minutes are added in the Dialog tab, where all Contract Correspondence is stored. Entering Meeting Minutes, like entering all Correspondence, into RedTeam Flex gives you more control over your project, and the security of having records of project details.

Meeting Minutes can be added manually to document a meeting that has already taken place, for which no Meeting Agenda was created prior.

Meeting Types will be configured in the Configuration Menu by your System Admin. If you have the Permissions: ManageProjMeetingType, ProjMeetingTypeAddEdit, and ProjMeetingTypeDelete, you may be able to access, add/edit, and delete project specific Meeting Types.

Example: Weekly site safety meetings can be created as Agendas ahead of time, because you already have them scheduled for this project, but occasionally you have an unexpected meeting with the owner that was not planned, and no Agenda was ever created or sent out. You can create meeting minutes without having to first make an Agenda.


  1. Click on the "+ New " icon.

  2. Select "Meeting Minutes".

  3. Fill out the required fields in the blank Meeting Minutes form.

  4. To Add Meeting Types to the Project Select from Configured Types(Other Meeting Types).

  5. To create a new project specific Meeting Type, you would need to go to Configuration to add meeting types

  6. Click Save to complete adding the meeting minutes.

  7. In Step 2, add any issues discussed and click "Add Discussion" to document what was discussed and any action items that resulted.

  8. Click "Next Step" to proceed to Step 3. Attachments.

  9. Click “Link” to link an attachment or Click “Browse” to browse for the file on your computer.

  10. Click "Close".

4. Commit Meeting Minutes

Meeting Minutes are written records or notes of a meeting. They usually summarize important information, beginning with a list of attendees, and including Issues covered as well as discussions and decisions regarding the Issue(s). In RedTeam Flex, Meeting Minutes are added in the Dialog tab, where all Contract Correspondence is stored. Entering Meeting Minutes, like entering all Correspondence, into RedTeam Flex gives you more control over your project and the security of having records of project details. Once Meeting Minutes have been created, you may Commit to make them a final copy and remove the draft watermark from the viewable document. Committed Minutes appear in blue in the list (un-Committed, green).


  1. Locate the Meeting Minutes in the list

  2. Click the tools icon.

  3. Click "Commit".

5. Add or Edit Discussions to an Issue

Discussions help you track and manage correspondence, meetings, and action plans associated with a particular Issue during a project. Issues could be anything from Safety to Scheduling to Accounting. When you create Meeting Minutes, you have the option to add new Issues, or list existing Issues that were previously created and used for the project. Within a Meeting Minutes entry, when you add an Issue, you can also add Discussions. These are brief notes or plans about what was discussed pertaining to that specific Issue. As you work on the project and Issues or specific Discussions are resolved, they can be closed.

Discussions can also be marked as Company Confidential, which will hide them from view unless the user has the appropriate permission


  1. Add a new OR Edit an existing set of Meeting Minutes.

  2. From Step 2: Issues, click the link for "+Add Discussion" next to the Issue.

  3. Fill out the required fields in the Discussion form.

    If you need to create an action item for this discussion make sure to enter a description in the Action plan, and the responsible assigned needs to have an email saved on their profile.

  4. Click the "Save" icon when ready.

  5. To edit or delete a discussion, click the plus icon to expand the list and click the tools icon.

6. Close Discussions to an Issue

When you create Meeting Agendas and Meeting Minutes, you have the option to add new Issues, or list existing Issues that were previously created and used for the project. When you add an Issue, you can also add Discussions. These are brief notes or plans about what was discussed pertaining to that specific Issue. As you work on the project and Issues or specific Discussions are resolved, they can be closed.


  1. From the Dialog Manage icon dropdown, select "Issues".

  2. Click the expand (+) sign to show all Discussions for a specific Issue

  3. Click on the tool icon to close a Discussion and remove it from this Issue.

  4. Discussions can also be closed from within a draft set of meeting minutes.

7. Display Issue or Discussion ID Numbers

Issues and Discussions have numbers associated with them based on the order that they were used within the project. These numbers will be consistent regardless of the arrangement of issues within a meeting. For some users, the ID numbers are helpful for tracking similar but discrete issues. Other users need the agenda sequence of issues to be very clear, and the ID numbers can potentially confuse that. As a result, the numbers can be toggled on or off as needed within the Project’s Preferences.


  1. Click the gear-shaped Preferences icon to the right of the Project’s Status Bar.

  2. Scroll down to the “Meetings (Minutes and Agendas)” section and check or uncheck the Use Automatic Issue Numbering as needed.

  3. When checked, the Issue and Discussion ID numbers will be displayed on any Meeting Agendas or Minutes, even ones that have already been committed.

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