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RedTeam Flex - Sage Intacct > Initial Connection Configuration Instructions
RedTeam Flex - Sage Intacct > Initial Connection Configuration Instructions
Updated over a week ago

Configure Intacct


In order to use RedTeam Flex's integration with Sage Intacct Construction, the following subscriptions will need to be enabled within Intacct:

Web Services


To enable these:

  1. Open Sage Intacct Construction and go to the Applications tab and click Company → Admin → Subscriptions

  2. Find ‘Web Services’ and click on it to Subscribe

  3. Ignore the warning about additional charges

Click Done when finished.

Sender ID

Add your company’s Sender ID to the allowed list.

  1. Company → Setup → Company

  2. Click EDIT

  3. Click on the ‘Security’ tab

  4. Go to the section labeled “Web Services authorizations” and add the Sender ID: RedTeamMPP-DEV


Instructions vary slightly depending on the client defining their security as “Role-Based” or “User-Based.”

Create User for a database with Role-Based Security

A. Create a Role

  1. Company 🡪 Admin 🡪Roles

  2. Click ADD

  3. Input a Name: RTS_Role

  4. Click SAVE

B. Assign Permissions to the Role

Company → Admin → Roles

  1. Select the role created (RTS_Role).

  2. Click Subscriptions.

  3. Click the appropriate check boxes listed below for these modules: Company, General Ledger, Accounts Payable, Jobs, Purchasing.

  4. Company → Permissions: Locations (List - View)

  5. General Ledger → Accounts (List - View)

  6. Accounts Payable → Vendors (List - View), Vendor Types (List - View), Bills (All)

  7. Accounts Receivable Customers ( All), Customer Groups (All), Invoices (All)

  8. Jobs → Jobs (All), Cost Codes (All), Standard Cost Codes (List - View), Standard Cost Types (List - View), Cost Types (All).

  9. Purchasing → Vendors (All), Purchasing Transactions (All)

C. Click SAVE

Additional Intacct Configurations

These are some restrictions that can affect RedTeam’s ability to send new Customer and Vendor companies to Sage.

-Vendor Entities-

If Sage Intacct has the "Use ISO country codes" setting active for vendors, this prevents RedTeam from entering new vendors. This feature is accessible from Company>Setup>Company>ISO country code.

It either needs to be deactivated or all vendors must be imported from Sage (or otherwise linked between systems before use).

-Customer Entities-

There's a restriction that prevents us from inputting customers into Sage. Adding this value in AR customers config will allow RedTeam to enter new customers that can be numbered correctly.

Accounts Receivable Menu > Setup Tab > Configuration > Document Sequencing section > Select "Customer" from Customers dropdown

It either needs to be enabled or all customers must be imported from Sage (or otherwise linked between systems before use).

Connect to Sage

To begin setup for Sage Intacct integration, log in to RedTeam Flex using your account information.

Select Apps from the left hand menu

Under the appropriate hh2-Sage app card, click Connect

Enter your Username, Password, hh2 URL, and the ApiKey you received via email from HH2. Once entered, click Connect.

The ApiKey is provided by HH2 upon creation of your account for the connection.

Select hh2-Sage from the App screen menu. It should now be labeled as “Operational”

Configure Cost Types

In Sage Intacct, these are known as Accumulations.

In all cases, the essential Cost Types in RedTeam Flex must be linked to the "Accumulate As" categories in Sage, in order for the integration to function properly.

--- RULE: RedTeam Flex must be linked to the following Cost Types:

  • Labor

  • Material

  • Subcontract

  • Equipment

  • Other

Note: RedTeam Flex does not link to the "Overhead" Cost Type in Sage.


Log into RedTeam Flex > Apps menu > click hh2-Sage App card > click to expand Cost Types > click the Edit (pencil) icon > configure > Save

Records shown in red have not been linked to Sage. Records shown with a strikethrough are inactive.

Configure Master Cost Categories

In Sage Intacct, these are known as Cost Categories.

Link Cost Categories from Sage. Make sure all of the Cost Categories being used in RedTeam Flex are set up in Sage before you start this process, so they can be properly linked in this step.

--- RULE: ALL of your active Cost Categories in RedTeam Flex should be linked to Sage.

Set up in RedTeam Flex:

See Wiki for Configuring Master Cost Categories.


Login to RedTeam Flex > Apps menu > click hh2-Sage300 App card > click Import button > Click Cost Categories in the dropdown > click boxes for Sage Categories to import or link to > Select Name of RedTeam Flex Category to be linked or leave blank > Select Cost Type to be associated > Click Import.

Records showing in the Sage list on the left have not been linked or imported.

Set up in Sage:

Contact Sage for instructions.

Configure Master Cost Codes

In Sage Intacct, these are known as Standard Cost Codes.

You may import Cost Codes you intend to use from Sage into RedTeam Flex. If the Cost Codes already exist in both systems, you can alternatively link them. RedTeam Flex cost codes cannot be sent into Sage via the integration, but they can be manually exported.

--- RULE: ALL of your active Cost Codes in RedTeam Flex should be linked to Sage AND must be grouped under Cost Divisions in RedTeam Flex.

Import from Sage:

Login to RedTeam Flex> Apps menu > click hh2-Sage Intacct App card > click Import > select Cost Codes > use the checkboxes to select the Cost Codes you wish to import > click Import

Export from RedTeam Flex (as an xls spreadsheet):

Login to RedTeam Flex> Configuration menu > Cost Codes > More [. . .] icon > click Export

Import to Sage:

Contact Sage for instructions.


Login to RedTeam Flex> Apps menu > click hh2-Sage Intacct App card > click Import > select Cost Codes > use the checkboxes to select the Cost Codes you wish to link > on the right select the RedTeam Flex Cost Code to be linked and choose a Cost Division > click Import

Tip: When importing Cost Codes from Sage, some Cost Codes may already be shown selected under RedTeam Flex. This is because RedTeam Flex identifies exact matches (by number). In cases where RedTeam Flex cannot identify a match (due to varied numbering, punctuation, etc.) you will need to select the RedTeam Flex Cost Code from the dropdown under RedTeam Flex before clicking Import. This will override the Cost Code description and replace it with the description from Sage. If you prefer the description from Sage, update it manually in RedTeam Flex.

Note: Please note that in this screen you will also link Cost Divisions under which the Cost Codes are grouped. You can select more than one Cost Code using the checkboxes and you will see an option to Assign these Cost Codes in batches to a Cost Division. Cost Divisions do not affect the integration directly, and a Cost Code can be reassigned to a different division later.

Configure Customer Types and Vendor Types

In Sage Intacct these are known as Type IDs.

Import both Customer Types and Vendor Types from Sage. Make sure all of the types being used in RedTeam Flex are set up in Sage before you start this process, so they can be properly linked in this step.

--- Sage Intacct: Sage Intacct does not require vendor types, so they can optionally be left blank within RedTeam Flex.

Import from Sage:

Login to RedTeam Flex> Apps menu > click hh2-Sage App card > click “Import from” > select Customer or Vendor Types > use the checkboxes (under Sage) to select Customer or Vendor Types you wish to import > click Import.

When Importing from Sage, do NOT select a “Type” in the dropdown under RedTeam Flex, this is for Linking only.

Set up in Sage:

Contact Sage for instructions.


Login to RedTeam Flex > Apps menu > click hh2-Sage App card > click “Import from” > select Customer or Vendor Types > use the checkboxes to select the Types you wish to link > on the right select the RedTeam Flex Entity Sub Type > click Import

Tip: Some Vendor or Customer Types may already show as selected in RedTeam Flex. This is because RedTeam Flex identifies exact matches (by name) between Sage and RedTeam Flex. For Types where RedTeam Flex cannot identify a match (often due to varied spelling, punctuation, etc.) you will need to select the RedTeam Flex Sub Type from the dropdown under RedTeam Flex before clicking Import. Please note that if the Type description from Sage is different from the description in RedTeam Flex, once linked the RedTeam Flex description will be overridden and replaced from Sage. To create Customer Types and/or Vendor Types in RedTeam Flex, go to Configuration menu > Entity Sub Types.

Configure Tax Venues

In Sage Intacct these are known as Tax Groups.

Link your Tax Venues to the appropriate Tax Groups in Sage, by creating new venues in Configuration > Tax Venues, and selecting the appropriate Sage tax group for each of them.

--- RULE: ALL of your active Non-VAT Tax Venues in RedTeam Flex should be linked to Sage. Otherwise you cannot use sales tax venues in RedTeam Flex

Set up in RedTeam Flex:

See Wiki for Configuring Tax Venues.


Login to RedTeam Flex> Apps menu > click hh2-Sage300 App card > click to expand Tax Venues > click the Edit (pencil) icon > select the Tax Group from the dropdown > Save.

Set up in Sage:

Contact Sage for instructions.

Tip: To create Tax Venues in RedTeam Flex, go to Configuration menu > Tax Venues.

Important: If your company uses VAT Tax Venues, these will NOT be linked to Sage. Only Tax Venues not using the Tax Payer Option will be able to be linked.

Configure Company Divisions

In Sage Intact these are known as Locations.

When Company Divisions are created in RedTeam Flex, they can optionally be connected to an existing Location from Sage Intacct. Transactions for projects connected to a linked Division will include the Location information in any invoices that are sent.

Tip: To create Company Divisions in RedTeam Flex, go to Configuration menu > Company Divisions.

Configure Customers and Vendors

In Sage Intacct, these are known as AR Customers and AP Vendors.

You can import and/or link Customers and Vendors from Sage. This import may be selective, meaning that you may only want to import or link Customers and Vendors with whom you expect to do business in the future.

--- RULE: First, be sure to Configure Customer and Vendor Types (see 1.6), then ALL of your active Customers and Vendors in RedTeam Flex should be linked to Sage.

Import from Sage:

Login to RedTeam Flex > Apps menu > click hh2-Sage App card > click “Import from” > select Customers or Vendors > use the checkboxes (under Sage) to select Customers or Vendors you wish to import > click Import.

This will import the entity and create a profile in the Companies menu. Information imported will include Company Name, Phone Number, Address, City, State, and Postal Code. The entity Type will be assigned, so long as Vendor and Customer Types have been imported prior to this (see 1.6). The Vendor ID in Sage will be assigned as the Vendor Short Name on the company profile.

Link existing companies:

Login to RedTeam Flex > Apps menu > click hh2-Sage App card > click “Import from” > select Customers or Vendors > Use the checkboxes (left side) to select Customers or Vendors to link > to the right, locate and select the Customers or Vendors from RedTeam Flex > click Import

When Vendors are linked in the App card, the Sage Vendor ID will be imported into the company profile as the Vendor Short Name in RedTeam Flex. Additionally, the Company Name, Phone Number, Address, City, State, Postal Code, and Type will override what is in RedTeam Flex, therefore it is critical to confirm the information in Sage is what you want in RedTeam Flex before linking.

Select Vendors to Import or Link between RedTeam Flex and Sage from this screen

Tip: Upon connecting to Sage initially, you will be given an option to clear auto generated Short Names for all Vendors that were loaded into RedTeam Flex via an import or created manually. Clearing these Short Names will give you the ability to Edit the Vendors one-by-one and enter the Short Names, allowing you to quickly link them via the process below. If you choose not to do this, you will alternatively link the Vendors manually from the app card (see below).

Some Vendors may already be showing selected under RedTeam Flex. This is because RedTeam Flex identifies matches between Sage Vendor ID and RedTeam Flex Short Name. For companies where RedTeam Flex cannot identify a match (due to the Vendor having a different Short Name in RedTeam Flex than the Vendor ID in Sage) you will need to select the RedTeam Flex Vendor from the dropdown under RedTeam Flex before clicking Import. This will pull in the Sage Vendor ID and insert it as the RedTeam Flex Short Name.

Configure Control Accounts

In Sage Intacct, these are known as General Ledger Accounts.

For Sage Intacct users, you must link RedTeam Flex Control Accounts to your Chart of Accounts in Sage. This is used to force account coding for transactions sent by RedTeam Flex to Sage. RedTeam Flex company divisions can be connected to specific Sage 100 department accounts for direct costs.

Link: Link the RedTeam Flex Control Accounts to your Sage Intacct General Ledger Accounts.

Part 1: Log into RedTeam Flex > Apps menu > click hh2-Sage100 App card > click to expand Control Accounts > click the Edit (pencil) icon for each Control Account > select the Sage GL Account from the dropdown > Save.

Part 2: Configuration Menu > Company Divisions > Click the tools icon to the right of a Division > Click Edit > Scroll down to Sage 100 Revenue and COGS Accounts > select the Sage GL Account from the dropdown > Save

Records shown in red have not been linked to a record in Sage.

Set up in Sage:

Contact Sage for instructions.

Additional Linkages in the RedTeam Flex app card

Payment Terms

Payment Terms in RedTeam Flex can be linked to existing Payment Terms in Intacct. New Terms can be created in RedTeam Flex to match additional entities in Intacct if the starting entities are not sufficient.

Tax Venues

Tax Venues in RedTeam Flex can be linked to Tax Groups in Intacct. …

Company Divisions

Any Company Divisions created within RedTeam Flex can be linked to Locations within Sage Intacct, and any transactions associated with the linked Division will send with the Location details.

Company Credit Cards

For use with Employee Expenses entered via RedTeam Flex’s desktop site or through the Flex mobile app. Credit Card entities created in RedTeam Flex can be assigned to employees, and associated with expense entries as they’re created.

The RedTeam Flex Credit Card entities are linked here to the Payment Types for Staff Expenses in Intacct.

Employee Expense Codes

Two types of expense cost linkages are done here. First, Indirect Expense Codes created within RedTeam Flex can be linked to cost types in Sage Intacct with this section. Second is a dropdown selection for linking Job-related expenses to the Direct Material account.

Job Costs

Job Cost Types that have been imported from Sage Intacct during the Initial Imports step can be flagged to import from Intacct to RedTeam Flex. Any Job Cost Type that is checked will be imported every few hours for all linked projects, creating adjusting entries in RedTeam Flex within the budgets of all linked jobs.


You're almost there! Once your master lists are synchronized and linked, you have complete control over which Projects are linked between your two systems.

Important: Until your Project in RedTeam Flex is linked to Sage, nothing will happen

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