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RedTeam Flex - Sage Intacct > Project Configuration Instructions
RedTeam Flex - Sage Intacct > Project Configuration Instructions

Information and setup process to link projects to Sage Intacct

Updated over a week ago

Here are some benefits of linking your RedTeam Flex Projects to Sage:

  1. All new Vendor Invoices will be posted to Sage as they are executed in RedTeam Flex, and associated payments made in Sage will be reflected in RedTeam Flex.

  2. All Job Cost recorded in Sage will be imported into RedTeam Flex. You may either disable job costing of Employee Time and Expenses, or exclude such costs from the import. Equipment is currently reserved for equipment cost allocations in RedTeam Flex.

  3. All new Customer Invoices will be posted to Sage as they are committed in RedTeam Flex, and associated payments made in Sage will be reflected in RedTeam Flex.

  4. All new Employee Expenses will be posted to Sage as they are executed in RedTeam Flex.

Important Considerations regarding Startup

As a practical matter, ongoing Projects in either RedTeam Flex or Sage may be difficult to connect due to the complexity related to Open Commitments and the possibility of duplicate entries. Syncing the projects would require cleanup of duplicate entry and manipulation of payment history in both systems to ensure the correct open balances of each. For these reasons, we recommend that new projects in RedTeam Flex be linked to Sage, and older projects be completed within the systems in which they were started.

Know Your RedTeam Flex-Sage Project Cycle

Connect a RedTeam Flex Project to Sage

In Sage Intacct these are known as Jobs.

To connect or send a RedTeam Flex Project to Sage, you will need to enter the Sage Job ID in the Scope tab of the Project in RedTeam Flex and then click “Send to hh2/Sage” at which time it will begin processing. Once synced, you will see a message in the Scope tab that shows the Project was sent to Sage Intacct, along with the user and date it was sent.

Important: It is critical that you enter the Sage Job ID into the project in RedTeam Flex in the format matching the Job ID in Sage. If the Job ID is not entered in the correct format, such as excluding a dash, it create a duplicate project in Sage.

Once the Sage Job ID entered in RedTeam Flex is sent to Sage, it can NOT be changed, so it is very important to enter the Sage Job ID correctly to properly link or send the Project.

Create in RT:

See Wiki to Create a New Project.

Send to Sage: Log in to RedTeam Flex and navigate to the Projects menu > Select Project > Scope tab > Edit > Enter Sage Job ID > “Send to Sage Intacct” > Save

Upon sending a Project, RedTeam Flex will:

  • Insert the Job in Sage with Project Number & Name

  • Insert the Project Address

Link to Sage: Log in to RedTeam Flex and navigate to the Projects menu > Select Project > Scope tab > Edit > Enter [an existing] Sage Job ID > “Send to Sage Intact”> Save

Upon linking a Project, RedTeam Flex will:

  • Import any preexisting job costs from Sage Intacct

  • Insert Project Cost Codes & Project Cost Categories from Sage for the imported costs that are not in RedTeam Flex

Project Phases

In Sage Intacct these are sub-jobs.

When a project is assigned Phases in RedTeam Flex, they will be used by the integration. When vendor invoices or employee expenses are executed with phases for their cost codes, the phases will be sent to Sage as new sub-jobs or by linking to sub-jobs.

Transactional Post: When the Phase exists in RedTeam Flex but not in Sage, RedTeam Flex will post it as an Extra in Sage when the following transactions are posted:

  • Vendor Invoices

  • Employee Expenses

Transactional Link: When the Phase already exists in Sage, RedTeam Flex identifies exact matches (by Phase Code) and will link to the Extra that exists in Sage.

Project Cost Categories

In Sage Intacct these are known as Job Categories.

Project Cost Categories that are associated with the Master Cost Categories in your database need to be set up in each Project. Once set up, these will be sent to and linked in Sage. These Project Cost Categories will be linked as Transactions are posted, otherwise known as a Transactional Post.

--- RULE: First, you must Configure Master Cost Categories (see 1.4), then ALL of your active Master Cost Categories in RedTeam Flex should be linked to Sage.

Create in RT:

See Wiki for Manage Project Cost Categories

Transactional Post: When the Project Cost Category exists in RedTeam Flex but not in Sage, RedTeam Flex will post it as a Job Category in Sage when the following transactions are posted:

  • Vendor Commitments

  • Vendor Changes

  • Vendor Invoices

Link Project to Sage: See 2.1

Upon linking a Project, RedTeam Flex will:

  • Insert Project Project Cost Categories from RedTeam Flex that are not in Sage

  • Link Project Project Cost Categories in RedTeam Flex that also exist in Sage (matched via the Category Code)

  • Insert Project Cost Categories from Sage that are not in RedTeam Flex

Note: Upon sending a Project to Sage, RedTeam Flex will insert Project Cost Categories in RedTeam Flex that are not in Sage. (See 2.1)

Project Cost Codes

In Sage Intacct these are known as Job Cost Codes.

Project Cost Codes that are associated with the Master Cost Codes in your database. When you use a Master Cost Code within a RedTeam Flex Project, you can customize them – generating Project Cost Code. Once set up, these will be sent to and linked in Sage as they are used. These Project Cost Codes will be linked as Transactions are posted, otherwise known as a Transactional Post.

--- RULE: First, you must Configure Master Cost Codes (see 1.5), then ALL of your active Master Cost Codes in RedTeam Flex should be linked to Sage.

Create in RT:

See Wiki to Create Project Cost Codes

Transactional Post: When the Project Cost Code exists in RedTeam Flex but not in Sage, RedTeam Flex will post it as a Job Cost Code in Sage when the following transactions are posted:

  • Vendor Commitments

  • Vendor Changes

  • Vendor Invoices

Link Project to Sage: See 2.1

Upon linking a Project, RedTeam Flex will:

  • Insert Project Project Cost Codes from RedTeam Flex that are not in Sage

  • Link Project Project Cost Codes in RedTeam Flex that also exist in Sage (matched via the Cost Code Number)

  • Insert Project Cost Codes from Sage that are not in RedTeam Flex

Note: Upon sending a Project to Sage, RedTeam Flex will insert Project Cost Codes in RedTeam Flex that are not in Sage. (See 2.1)

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