RedTeam supports user-defined Cost Categories that are linked to our 5 main Cost Types (Subcontract, Material, Labor, Equipment, and Other). These Cost Categories allow you to organize and group costs in any way you prefer. In order to set up Project specific Cost Categories, you must first define your Master Cost Categories for the entire database. To do this, follow the steps below.
If you need assistance setting up your Cost Categories, contact our service team from the Help Center in RedTeam.
1. Add a Master Cost Category
In order to use Cost Categories on Projects, you must first set up any Master Cost Categories you want for your RedTeam database. This is typically configured by your RedTeam System Administrator by following the steps below.
Cost Categories will need:
a Code (a number or string of characters to identify the Category, eg. "M-1")
a Category (the name of the Category, often more descriptive than the Cost Type it is linked to, such as "Tools")
a Cost Type (Subcontract, Material, Labor, Equipment, or Other)
a Display Order (the order in which you want these costs displayed on reports and throughout your database)