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RedTeam Flex - Manage Project News Feed

In RedTeam, updates made to your projects News Feed are any changes, additions, and interactions within a specific project.

Updated over a week ago

In RedTeam Flex, updates made to your project's News Feed are any changes, additions, and interactions within a specific project. Your News Feed displays recent actions, i.e. "John Smith changed Project status from Draft to Request," performed by you or other members of the project team.

The feed allows users to quickly view an accurate summary of every activity occurring on a project as it happens. Users may share their own updates, as well as comment, by replying, or "like" any updates that appear in the news feed.

When a user selects a Project, the news feed is located under the Dashboard tab will display activities specific to the particular project associated with the Project and can only be seen by users who are members of that project Team.

1. Share an Update

The news feed in RedTeam Flex gives users updates on ongoing projects within the application. Users have a main news feed which by default loads upon logging in, and they also have a news feed that can be viewed under the Dashboard tab of any Project and is specific to a particular Project.

Post an update to your main news feed to share information with all RedTeam Flex users in your company, or post to a specific project news feed to update your Team members.

In the Dashboard Tab, use the blue toggle to navigate between the Dashboard and the News Feed.

Steps to enter an Update in the feed:

  1. Enter your message, and if desired, attach a file before clicking on the Share button.

2. Comment or "Like" an Update

Users can comment on updates and Like updates or comments.

Steps to enter a comment or like a feed:

  1. Open the comment box by clicking Reply on the feed item. Type your comment and click Share when finished.

    To show your appreciation for a feed, simply click on the Like button located next to it.

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