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RedTeam Flex - Manage Lien Law Claims and Documents

RedTeam provides a process to upload and track your Lien Law documents, such as lien waivers, releases, claims, and more.

Updated over a week ago

Manage Lien Law Claims and Documents

RedTeam provides a process to upload and track your Lien Law documents, such as lien waivers, releases, claims, and more. In order to utilize the Lien Law tracking, you must first make sure your database is configured for the various venues (states, etc.) where you perform work. This is typically configured during your implementation period.

RedTeam does not generate Lien Law documents; however we do integrate with Levelset to generate, send, and electronically execute Lien Law documents if desired.

1. Configure Lien Law Venues

Lien Law Venues are the regions or areas, typically states, where your company does business and requires the tracking of lien law notices, claims, releases, and waivers.

If you work in multiple states, you will need to set up each state as an individual Venue in the Configuration menu. Once you have these Venues set up, your configuration team will help to configure the Forms for each of these Venues. It will be important at that time to know which documents, such as claims, demands, notices, releases, etc. each state or Venue utilizes so you can set them up in the Lien Law Forms section of the Configuration menu.

First, see below to set up the Venues.


  1. From the Configuration menu, click on "Lien Law Claims" to expand the list then select "Lien Law Venues".

  2. Click the Add (+) icon.

  3. Fill out the required information.

  4. Click "Save"

2. Set the Statutory Authority for Lien Law on a Project

Once your Lien Law Venues have been Configured, the first step to tracking Lien Law documents in a Project is to set the Statutory Authority for Lien Law under the Project Preferences. The Statutory Authority for Lien Law is the venue, typically the state, where the work is being performed for that Project. The options in the dropdown under the Project Preferences come directly from the Configuration menu > Lien Law Venues.


  1. From the Projects menu, search for and click on the Project to open.

  2. Click the Project Preferences icon.

  3. Scroll to the Buyout Commitments section of the Project Preferences.

  4. Select the Statutory Authority for Lien Law from the dropdown (it will save automatically).

  5. Click outside the Project Preferences window to close it.

3. Set up Lien Law Claimants

A critical step for tracking Lien Law documents on a Project is to identify all of the Claimants. This will often include the Vendors you subcontract with, but may also include sub-tier subcontractors or material providers under those Vendors.

To begin adding Claimants, you must first have a Buyout Commitment (such as a subcontract or PO) created in the Buyout tab of a Project.

Tip: To save time, you can configure your Commitment Forms to automatically add Vendors to the Claimants list in a Project. Do this by going to the Configuration menu > Commitment Forms > choose a form and click the tools icon > Edit > check the box "Require Lien Waivers" > Save.


  1. From the Project's Home menu, select Lien Law Claims.

  2. Click the New (+) icon.

  3. Select "Add Claimant".

  4. Select the Privy (the Vendor Commitment for which this Claimant is associated).

  5. Fill in the Claimant details.

  6. If the Claimant is the same as the Vendor whose Commitment you selected under "Privy" use the option to Select from Existing Vendors.

  7. If the Claimant is a new company not in RedTeam (the Vendor's supplier or 2nd-tier sub you have not worked with) use the option to add New.

  8. If the Claimant has already been added to the Claimant list and you need to include them again, use the option to Select from Existing Claimants.

  9. Under Entitlement, select the Claimant's Standing (these options come from Configuration menu > Lien Law Standing).

  10. Click "Save".

4. Upload and Track Lien Law Documents

Once Claimants have been set up for the Project, you can begin uploading various Lien Law documents, such as Notices to Owner, lien waivers, releases, claims, and more. The document types you can upload are entirely customizable in the Configuration menu > Lien Law Forms.


  1. From the Project's Home menu, select Lien Law Claims.

  2. Click the New (+) icon.

  3. Select "Add Document".

  4. Select the Claimant (if no Claimants exist, first add Claimants from the prior screen).

  5. Select the Form (this will determine which fields come next).

  6. Fill in any required dates.

  7. Under Attachment, drag and drop or click "Add File" to upload the Lien Law document.

  8. Click "Save".

5. View Old Lien Law Documents That Have Been Superseded

As you receive and upload new Lien Law documents, such as waivers and releases, from your Vendors, RedTeam will supersede the old documents so you always see the latest release first. To view these old documents, simply use the Filter to show now inactive documents that have been superseded.


  1. From the Project's Home menu, select Lien Law Claims.

  2. Click the Filter icon.

  3. Under Filters, look for Document Status and select all, or Inactive to show only old documents.

  4. Click "Filter & Hide".

  5. Click the expand (+) icon to show all documents under a particular Claimant.

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