Customers are companies and individuals who may hire your company to build and work on projects. Keeping proper Customer records is important for business development, and RedTeam allows you to keep a large variety of information on file. From each Customer's Profile tab, you can manage details like contacts, facilities, credentials, events, interactions, and notes, as well as invoices.
1. Edit Customer Profile
Managing your Customers and keeping them updated on the progress of a job is crucial in any project. In order to manage your Customers, it is very important that you keep their profile updated to include current contact information, company information, and at least one individual contact. It is also handy to have the Customer's credentials on file, as well as all current facilities and any interactions or communication.
Locate and click on the Customer profile you wish to edit
Click on the "Edit" icon and edit the necessary information for the customer.
3. Click "Save".
2. Add Customer Credentials
Credentials are qualifications certifying that a person or company does, in fact, meet the requirements for a certain job or task. In RedTeam, you can assign and record credentials for employees, customers, vendors, third parties, and any other entity in the system. Credentials are especially important when hiring a subcontractor or vendor for a job. Hiring a company without the proper credentials--even if you don't realize it--can be a disaster. RedTeam helps you keep track of credentials, even putting restrictions on certain actions within the system if an entity does not fulfill the proper requirements.
Navigate to the Customers portion of the Companies Menu on the left hand menu bar.
Search for and click on the name of the Customer whose profile you wish to view.
Locate the Credentials tab at the bottom of the Customer Profile
Click "add new Credential.
Select the type of credential and enter all necessary information into the blank form.
Use the attachment section of the template to upload a copy of the Customer Credential.
Click "Save".
3. Add a New Customer Facility
In RedTeam, Customer organizations may be subdivided into what is referred to as a Facility.
A Facility might be a business unit, department, division, etc. Its purpose in RedTeam is to facilitate business development and service delivery, including the tracking of business opportunities, grouping customer contacts, memorializing negotiated pricing agreements and referencing project history.
In other words, the Facility is used to retain institutional knowledge about the Customer relationship, and to quickly empower your Employees with Customer information and requirements. When adding any new Customer, RedTeam will automatically create a default Facility with the same name as the Customer. This default name may be changed if desired, and additional Facilities may be added whenever needed.
Under the Companies menu, click "Customers"
Locate and click the name of the Customer whose profile you wish to view
Click the Facilities tab at the bottom of the customer profile
Click "Add New Facility".
Fill in the required fields.
Click "Save".
4. Edit a Customer Facility
In RedTeam, Customer organizations may be subdivided into what is referred to throughout the system as a Facility.
A Facility might be a business unit, department, division, but it is usually a physical location where Work is performed (i.e. Project). Its purpose in RedTeam is to facilitate business development and service delivery, including the tracking of business opportunities, grouping customer contacts, memorializing negotiated pricing agreements and referencing project history.
In other words, the Facility is used to retain institutional knowledge about the Customer relationship, and to quickly empower your Employees with Customer information and requirements.
When adding any new Customer, RedTeam will automatically create the default Facility with the same name as the Customer. This default name may be changed as appropriate, and additional Facilities may be added whenever needed.
From the Companies menu, click "Customers"
Search for and locate the Customer, then look for and click the Facilities tab at the bottom of the Customer profile
From the Facilities tab, select the Facility you wish to Edit.
You can now Edit facilities details for the Customer Facility by filling out the profile template and clicking "Save"
5. Upload a Customer Logo
Managing your Customers and keeping them updated on the progress of a job is crucial in any project. In order to manage your Customers, it is very important that you keep their profile updated to include current contact information, company information, and at least one individual contact. RedTeam also gives you the option to add a logo to Customer profiles. This is an optional feature but highly recommended.
Navigate to the desired Customer Profile and Click "Edit".
Locate the General Information section.
Under the heading "Customer Logo", hover over the existing image and click on the words "Change Picture" to upload a new logo.
Click "Save".
6. Remove Customer Profile
Keeping your Customer records up-to-date is important. If you find that there is a Customer in RedTeam that you no longer do business with, or that no longer exists, you may wish to deactivate them. In RedTeam, customer profiles cannot be deleted entirely, instead, you will change the status from Active to Inactive. This feature will allow the re-activation of the Customer at a later date if necessary.
Click "Edit"
Scroll down to locate the "Customer" heading
Click the Status dropdown and select "Inactive"
Click "Save".
7. View a Customer Profile
Managing your Customers and keeping them updated on the progress of a job is crucial in any project. RedTeam makes it easy to locate and view information about your employees, Vendors, and Customers. To view a printable overview of a Customer profile, click the View icon within the customer's profile.