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Fieldlens - Drawing Markups and Hyperlinks (Web version)
Fieldlens - Drawing Markups and Hyperlinks (Web version)

All you need to know about marking up your drawings and attach to a post, or creating redline markups and hyperlinks.

Updated over a year ago

Fieldlens allows two different ways to mark up drawings. Markup and Attach and Redline Markups. We'll go into detail on each one in the lines below.

Both options offer a variety of tools like text highlighting, drawing tools, shapes, stamps, clouds, images, text, etc. These tools are available from the View drawing option on the Web version.

The distinction between both is that Markup and Attach will create a NEW post including an image snapshot as an attachment with the annotations, this post can be shared with whomever the author needs to.

On the other hand, the option to create Redline Markups will publish the annotations to the current drawing version for ALL project collaborators to see*.

*Requires a Paid subscription to see Drawings.

Markup and Attach:

Once you open the view screen for the selected drawing you'll have 2 buttons on the top right.

The option Markup and Attach will create a NEW post including an image snapshot as an attachment with the annotations, this post can be shared with whomever the author needs to.

NOTE: Requires a Paid subscription to see Drawings and use markups.

See the steps below for step-by-step instructions:

  1. Select a drawing and click on it to open the View screen.

  2. Click Markup and Attach

  3. Pick and use one or more of the available tools like:

    A. Drawing, Freeform Highlight, Text Highlighter, Eraser.

    B. Image, Stamps

    C. Text

    D. Line, Arrow, Rectangle, Ellipse, Polygon, Cloud, Polyline

    E. Print

    F. Editor, Crop document

    G. Search

    H. Export document

  4. If you need to undo any annotations, you can click on the Annotations option on the left and remove the ones you do not need anymore.
    Any Organizer can delete annotations from other Organizers.

  5. Once your annotations are completed, click the Attach button on the top right corner.

  6. You now are in the New Post form, where you can add all the additional details, assign team members, etc.

    An image with the markups will be added as an attachment as part of the post.

    Once you finish completing the form, you can click Post to publish it.

Redline Markups:

The option to create Redline Markups will publish the annotations to the current drawing version for ALL project collaborators to see*.

Only project Organizers can use and publish Redline annotations.

*Requires a Paid subscription to see Drawings.

See the steps below for step-by-step instructions:

  1. Select a drawing and click on it to open the View screen.

  2. Click Redline Markups

  3. Pick and use one or more of the available tools like:

    A. Drawing, Freeform Highlight, Text Highlighter, Eraser.

    B. Image, Stamps

    C. Text

    D. Line, Arrow, Rectangle, Ellipse, Polygon, Cloud, Polyline

    E. Print

    F. Editor, Crop document

    G. Search

    H. Export document

    I. Thumbnails, Outline, Annotations, Bookmarks

  4. If you need to undo any annotations, you can click on the Annotations option on the left and remove the ones you do not need anymore.

  5. Once your annotations are completed, click the Publish button on the top right corner. You'll see a confirmation message, click Confirm to save the changes.

    Only Project Organizers can use and publish Redline annotations.

  6. Once the Redline Markups are Published, anyone with access to Drawings will see your annotations.

Drawings Hyperlinks

Fieldlens reads your drawing hyperlinks and generates them automatically but, you can also add your own manually. All hyperlinks will have an autogenerated Link Number whether it's an Automatic or Manual link.

You also have the option to Edit or Delete the link. Click here to learn more about what you can Edit from this tool.

Steps to upload your drawings and let Fieldlens automatically detect the hyperlinks:

  1. Upload your drawings to your project and Fieldlens will detect the pages that need to be linked automatically.

  2. Let Fieldlens rename your drawings sheets and Publish them to your project.

  3. To use hyperlinks, open a drawing and click Markup/Hyperlinks from the tools available at the top of your screen.

  4. Click Drawing Links on the top right.

  5. Fieldlens will detect available links automatically, reading the drawing and finding the linked pages.

  6. You'll see the list on the right side of your screen.

  7. From there you can edit the existing links or add new ones.


The list on the right will show the links detected with different statuses:

Pending Link: It detected the symbol on the page but the drawing page is not yet available in the project. If you upload said page later, Fieldlens will match the page and update the status.

Jump to: The link has been detected and the page is available on the Project set.

Create your own hyperlinks:

You can also create your own hyperlinks between your pages.

  1. Click Drawing Links on the top right.

  2. Click +Add New.


  3. Select the section of the drawing you need to hyperlink.

  4. Click the dropdown to select the drawing you need to jump to.

  5. You can choose a background color for your hyperlink. (Optional)

  6. Click Save when you are ready.

Edit your links

You can edit automatic or manual hyperlinks to manually select or change the drawing the hyperlink is pointing to.

  1. Click the Edit icon and select the page you need the hyperlink to jump to.

  2. Choose the background color (Optional)

  3. Click Save when you are ready


Links are only visible to you and your team once you Publish them.

How to delete your hyperlinks

You can also delete links if you do not need them anymore.

Click the Trash can on the link you need to delete and click Delete in the confirmation window.

Remember that you need to Publish your drawing to make this change visible to you and your team.

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