Fieldlens - Updating Post Status

Resolving and closing out Assignees in Fieldlens

Updated over a week ago

Post Status

Posts that have assignees will have an associated status. Assignees - and the entire post - can be open, resolved, or closed. You’ll see the live status of the task in your feed denoted by color:

  • Orange for open.

  • Green for resolved.

  • Grey for closed.

  • Blue icons denote posts that are unassigned.

Assignees can access the post and update their own (or their company's) status to Resolved when they've completed the task. Assignees can not mark themselves Closed.

The post creator can make any status changes - closing or reopening posts that are marked Resolved, or marking assignees Resolved (if they've heard work is done, for instance, but haven't seen it yet).

Updating Post Status on Mobile

  1. Click into any post on your mobile device and tap on Assign in the bottom left corner.

  2. To update all assignees on a post, choose their status - either Open, Resolved, or Closed - under X assignees and click Update in the upper right corner. You'll see the change applied to the individual assignees below.

  3. The status of individual assignees can be updated as well. In the Update assignees panel, find the name of the assignee and tap on the appropriate status - Open, Resolved, or Closed - and hit Update.

  4. You can add new assignees at anytime by clicking +Add assignees.

  5. Once your changes have been made and you've clicked Update, hit Send in the bottom right corner of the post panel.

Updating Post Status on the Web App

  1. Using the web app, tap into any post and click Update assignees in the bottom left corner.

  2. Similar to the mobile app, you can update the status of multiple assignees. To the right of X assignees, click the corresponding circle under Open, Resolved, or Closed.

  3. To update an individual assignee, locate their name and select the circle under the appropriate post status.

  4. At the top of the Update assignees panel, you can add new assignees next to the "+" by typing in the email address, user name, or company name.

  5. Click Update to apply the changes to your post.

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