Fieldlens - Editing Posts

Correct typos or more fully describe issues and more

Updated over a week ago

You can edit details within your posts such as the title, description, locations, flags, and more. With each new update, we aim to give you greater editing control over your posts. All of the changes you make on mobile and the web will be tracked and become part of the post-audit trail.

From the web app

Click the pencil icon on the upper right within a post to make your edits. You can change the title and description as well as add or edit recipients, location, categories, and/or the post flag of a post. You’ll also be able to pin a post to a drawing or move a pin previously placed.

Note: If the post was created by someone from a different company, you will not be able to edit the title, description, location, or post flag.

You can also update or edit multiple posts simultaneously from the web app - check out this article on Bulk Actions to learn more.

From the mobile app

From within a post on your mobile app, tap the pencil icon from the upper right to add or edit the recipients (Sent to), title, description, location, post flag, or categories.

You can also pin the post to a drawing, or move the pin placement if it’s already been added, repin it to another drawing or remove it altogether.

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