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Fieldlens - Company Profile

Every company in Fieldlens has a profile that is managed by the company administrator.

Updated over 2 years ago

Every company on Fieldlens has a profile with company contact details and a list of users. These profiles are maintained by the Company Admin - usually, the first person to register for Fieldlens from their company - and can also include the company logo.

You’ll be able to access your own company profile as well as view the company profile for any companies on a job with you.

Accessing your Company Profile

From your mobile device, the menu will be on the upper left of the Project page. Just click the gear icon and My Profile - the company details will be below your user details.

From the web app click your profile picture to access the drop-down menu. Select Settings and then Company Settings.

If you are a Company Admin you’ll be able to edit these details from the web app. You’ll want to keep this up to date because it will be part of the project directory (“People page”) for every project you’re on. It will also show up in the header of any reports you run and share from Fieldlens.

Your company profile page will also include all employees on the project from your company, linking to their individual user profiles.

I just joined Fieldlens - why are some details of my profile already filled in?

If another Fieldlens user has invited you to collaborate on a project, they may have added in some of your company’s details to fill in the project directory. This is only possible before anyone has registered with your company. As soon as you register you’ll claim your profile and be able to update all your info.

Other company’s profiles

You’ll be able to see the profile for other companies from the People page on any project you’re on. The People page is the project directory and you can see a list of every company -- and person-- that is on the project with you. From there, you’re just a click away from seeing a company’s Fieldlens profile.

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