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Fieldlens - Creating a post as an RFI or Submittal
Fieldlens - Creating a post as an RFI or Submittal

using RFI and Submittal posts.

Updated over a week ago

Waiting for answers to RFIs and Submittals can delay trades and hold up the project. At Fieldlens we believe in a more efficient flow of information. That's why we've created post flags for RFIs and Submittals - just like safeties and deficiencies.

When you create an RFI or Submittal in Fieldlens and add an assignee, they will get notified immediately. And by sharing with the trades, they’ll get the answers when you do!

Important note: All RFIs and Submittals are made public. That means they’re visible to everyone using Fieldlens that’s on the project.

Creating a post from mobile:

  1. Hit the create button “+”

  2. Click “RFI” or “Submittal”

  3. For RFI, the Title, the Question and the Assignee are required.

  4. For Submittal, you need to select the Spec section and the SUbmittal Type first.

5. Select an Assignee on the next screen:

6. Add additional details to your Submittal, like description, due date, photos or pin to a drawing. Click Create when you are ready.

Creating a post from the web app:

  1. You can select a RFI or Submittal flag from the Post flag drop-down when creating a New Post.

  2. Click Assign to add an assignee. You can also type a name or email address in the Assign field.

  3. Recommended: Set a due date by clicking the calendar icon to the right of the assignee’s name.

RFI and Submittal IDs

Each and every RFI and Submittal post will be assigned a unique ID in Fieldlens. If you create your first RFI within a project, for example, it will be RFI #1 with the post status of open, resolved, or closed.

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