Fieldlens - Company Administrator

Overview of the Fieldlens Company Admin role

Updated over a week ago

Each registered company on Fieldlens has at least one Company Administrator that manages their company profile and has control over user access to Fieldlens and individual projects.

By default, the Company Admin is the first user to register from a company, but each company can have multiple administrators. A quick scan of your company profile will tell you who your admins are - they’ll have a special tag next to their name.

Company Admins can:

  • Edit and maintain a Company Profile.

  • Add users from their company to projects.

  • View user activity and status within Fieldlens.

  • Grant other users admin status.

  • Reset passwords for individual users from their company.

  • Deactivate the accounts of users from their company.

  • Manage unit codes and resources for Resource Tracking.

  • Create private projects (only the project creator and users invited to it can see it in the "Project I can join" list.

If you are an administrator, click your profile icon in the upper right of the web app, then click settings and switch to Company Settings to review your profile and other options.

NOTE: Company settings are only available from the Web application.

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