Fieldlens - Updating Posts

How to update posts in Fieldlens

Updated over a week ago

Once you've added a post to Fieldlens, you can update it with comments, additional pictures or video, categories and more. So can anyone else that is an assignee or has had the post shared with them.

You can also change the status for any posts that have been assigned to you or your company, or that you have assigned to someone else.

Each reaction will be timestamped and will indicate who updated the post, so a complete history of all interactions is always available.

There are a number of ways that you can update a post:

  • Reply - ask or answer questions, update on progress or add additional detail.

  • Change status - mark yourself or your company resolved on open tasks, or change the status on tasks that you've assigned.

  • Add pictures, videos, and voice notes - document progress or work completion, for example.

  • Add assignees and due dates.

  • Send the post to additional people.

  • Update the location.

  • Add additional categories.

  • Add weather.

  • Add attachments.

  • Add/edit drawings - pin posts to drawings, or move pins as an update.
    NOTE: Drawings is a feature available for users with a paid account.

  • Add/edit descriptions - add a description to a post that was created without one, or edit the current description.

  • Add/edit post flags - add a Safety or Deficiency flag, making it easy to turn a series of unassigned posts or tasks into a punch list or safety report. Important Note: For projects created after 1/16/2018, you’ll also be able to add RFI or Submittal flags to posts.

Replying from a mobile device

  1. From the Feed on your mobile device, tap the post you'd like to add a reaction to - this will bring you to the full details of the post.

  2. If you just need to add a comment, you can tap the Reply field at the bottom of the post.

  3. Tap Assign to add additional assignees and Camera to add additional pictures or video.

  4. Tap +More to access Drawing Markup, add attachments or voice notes, or to add weather.

  5. Use the pin icon to Add a location or Pin to the drawing.

  6. When done, simply save your options and hit Send to post.

You can also click the pencil icon from the top right to edit the recipients ("sent to"), location, and categories of the post, or to add/edit a pin or description. Note: certain options are only available if you or someone from your company created the original post.

Reacting on web

From the Fieldlens web app you can add a quick comment directly from the Feed by clicking on the Reply bar. (When the Expanded view is selected)

Click on the post to see the full details and your additional options.

  • See the bottom bar to add assignees, attach files and add weather.

  • Click the pencil icon from the top right to edit the recipients, title, description, location, and categories. Note: certain options are only available if you or someone from your company created the original post.

  • Click the 3 dots menu to export the post as a PDF, mark it unread, share it outside of Fieldlens, duplicate it, move it to another project or void it.

Changing status

Any post that has an assignee will also have an associated status:

  • Open - the work has not been completed.

  • Resolved - the work has been completed but not approved.

  • Closed - the work has been completed and approved.

If you or your company have been assigned something, you'll be able to post Resolved when the work is done. This will notify anyone on the post that it's finished.

Best practice: include pictures or videos along with your change in status.

The original poster will then be able to mark the post Closed - or reopen it if additional work is necessary.

Bulk actions - updating multiple posts

Bulk actions are actions you apply to multiple posts - similar to marking all or a bunch of your emails as “read.” They are available from the web app when viewing the Feed in list view.

  1. From the top of your Feed, tap the list icon to show either the default or Compact view.

  2. Hover over and check the boxes beside each and every post you'd like to update. You can also click the Select all button at the top of the screen if you'd like to apply an action to all posts in your Feed.

From your web Feed you can:

  • Update the status of multiple assignees on a task to Resolved or Closed -- indicating that their work is either ready for review or has been reviewed and approved.

  • Update Posts to add new assignees, recipients, locations, categories, comments, post flags, or due dates to the selected posts.

  • Add or edit a Safety or Deficiency flag to multiple posts at the same time. (you can only edit the Post Flag for posts that do not have any flag assigned)

  • From the More button, you can make your posts Read/Unread, Duplicate, or Void them.

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