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Fieldlens - Drawings Page Overview

What is the Fieldlens Drawings Page?

Updated over a year ago

Whether you’re out in the field or back in the office, your drawings are just a click away in Fieldlens.

Viewing drawings on the mobile app

To access your Drawings Page, click on Drawings on the bottom of any project feed. Here, you’ll see your drawings organized by Discipline, Location, and Tags. Toggle between the three tabs to locate any drawing or tap the magnifying glass to search by keyword.

Within the Drawings Page, you will be able to switch between thumbnail and condensed view. Just tap the icon at the top right when viewing the list of drawings.

Each drawing will have a plan number, name and discipline. Under the drawing name you’ll see the number of posts pinned to that drawing.

You’ll see the status of a drawing in one of three ways on the mobile app:

  • A green arrow indicates the drawing is available to be downloaded on your mobile device.

  • A grey check mark means the drawing has already been downloaded and is up-to-date.

  • A red reload symbol will be next to a drawing that is outdated. Tap to download the newest version available.

You can also download all drawings shown by tapping the download icon at the top right of the page.

Click into a drawing to view the pins and the breakdown of those posts by status - unassigned, open, resolved, and closed.

Viewing drawings on the web app

Within any Fieldlens project, you can access your Drawings Page by tapping Drawings at the top of your feed. The top left of the page will show the number of drawings uploaded to that particular project.

Similar to the mobile app, you can view your drawings as a list or as thumbnails - just click the list icon at the top right to switch between the two.

In either view, you’ll see when the drawing was last updated, how many posts are pinned to the drawing, and the plan number and name. You’ll also see the discipline and location (if assigned).

Filter Your Drawings

Slide out the toolbar on the left of the page to filter your drawings by Discipline, Location, and Tags - or use the search bar to find drawings by keyword.

Sort Your Drawings

Use the Filter menu on the left to view your drawings by Discipline.

You can also sort your drawings by plan number and by the last updated date by tapping the icon at the top of the screen.

Drawing Uploads

Project Organizers will see View uploads and Add drawings buttons to the upper right of the drawings page. View uploads shows the status of all uploaded drawings - click in to see if a drawing has been uploaded, is processing, or has perhaps experienced an error when syncing.

Project Organizers can always upload new drawings or revisions to the project by clicking Add drawings on the top right corner and selecting from the different upload options.

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