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RedTeam Go - Project Documents
RedTeam Go - Project documents: Project level
RedTeam Go - Project documents: Project level

This article will explain how to use the project level project documents

Updated over a week ago

Project level project documents also received an upgrade. You are now able to create project-level custom folders. To do so, navigate to project documents inside of a job. Then click Add new in the upper left-hand corner. If you are outside of a folder in the main project documents, you will only see add new folder.

If you are creating a new folder inside of another folder, click on Add new. You will then have two options. Add new folder and Add new file.

When you choose to add a file or folder, you will be asked who you want to share that folder with. Note that when you choose to share, the person will not receive a notification that they can now access that file or folder.

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