Requests for Information, or RFIs, are imperative parts of the construction process. RFIs are used to clarify and address the inevitable gaps, conflicts, and ambiguities in information related to construction documents.
In RedTeam Flex, RFIs can be formally submitted to architects, engineers, owners, and any other parties responsible for providing such clarifications.
Manage RFIs in the Mobile app
Users can view Requests for Information on their mobile devices according to the permissions assigned to their role. If you do not have permission to view RFIs, please contact your System Admin.
You may filter out the RFIs by status.
Preferences for RFIs should be configured in the Web app from the Project Preferences. Only the records that correspond to those selected preferences will be displayed in the Mobile app.
You can view and comment on an RFI by clicking on it and opening the browser, click on the Comments bubble and you'll be able to enter your comments to the document.
Create a Request for Information
RFIs can be linked to Issues. Issues are typically concerns that have arisen on a Project, but they may also be general topics that you can list on Meeting Minutes and can be used to link Dialog documents together.
To create an RFI from the mobile app follow these simple steps:
Select a project
Click the RFI section
If your company has different RFI Types, select the correct one.
Click the add button
Select an Issue if needed (Optional)
Mark it as Confidential if you want only Team Members from your company to have access to it.
Select a Date for the RFI
Select a Requested Date, this date is the deadline to receive a response for this RFI.
Enter a Recipient, Subject, Reference, and Question for your RFI
Photos are optional.
Once you completed all the fields click Save.
Commit a Request for Information
You can Commit RFIs right from your Mobile device, this is subject to the User role and Permissions assigned to you in RedTeam. If you have the correct permissions you can follow the steps described below to Commit an RFI:
Select a project
Click the RFIs section
Click the Filter option on the Top right and filter by Just Created.
A list of all the Draft RFIs will be displayed, each record has a Checkbox. Only Draft records would have a checkbox on the left side.
Select the RFI you need to Commit, once a record is selected, the Commit button will become available. For now, you can only Commit ONE record at a time.
Click Commit and read any warning messages showing up, the mobile app will let you know if the Document dates are correct. Either the Document's date doesn't match today's date or the Required Date has already passed and you'd need to update them.
Once the record is Committed you can't modify or Uncommit the record from your mobile device.
Finally, click Yes on the warning message.