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RedTeam Flex - Vendor Credentials

Credentials are qualifications certifying that a person or company does, in fact, meet the requirements for a certain job or task.

Updated over a week ago

Vendor Credentials

Credentials are qualifications certifying that a person or company does, in fact, meet the requirements for a certain job or task. Often, these Credentials are used to track insurance and other documents for Vendors, such as General Liability insurance, Worker's Comp, W-9, etc. Credentials may also be used to track other distinctions about the various companies in your database, such as which are MBE or WMBE certified, Union vs. Non-Union, Veteran-Owned, etc. Once Credentials are added to the master list in the Configuration menu, they will be available to be selected and uploaded to a company's profile in the Vendors.

1. Add Vendor Credentials

In RedTeam, you can use Credentials to track any type of insurance, certification, qualification, or requirement you may want to track for any given Entity. This includes your company as the Service Provider, credentials for employees, and even customers, but most commonly, for your Vendors (subcontractors and material providers).

RedTeam allows you to configure Commitments (subcontracts, Purchase Orders, Labor Service Agreements, etc.) to automatically check the status of Credentials assigned to the Vendor to whom you want to issue a Commitment. By configuring this, RedTeam will also automatically check the status of the Credentials again upon approving an Invoice from that Vendor for payment.

You can create as many types of credentials as you want from the Configuration menu. If you do not have access to the Configuration section, please contact your system administrator.

Once the Credential type has been created, you can assign it to a Vendor. Do this by locating the Vendor in the Vendors menu. You can search by name, use the Sort options (next to Menu button), or expand the Types to display Vendors.


  1. From the Vendor Profile, click the Credential tab at the bottom, then click "+add new credential"

  2. Alternatively, use the tools icon for an existing Vendor credential to click "Renew"

  3. Select the Credential Type from the dropdown and fill out the required information as well as upload a scanned copy (if possible)

  4. Check "Mandatory" if you want this Credential to appear automatically on every Commitment for this Vendor

  5. Click "Save"

2. Renew Vendor Credentials

Most of the time, Credential documents will have expiration dates. This necessitates renewing each credential periodically to keep them up to date. Credentials can be updated at any time from the vendor profile, or from within a Buyout Commitment. This second option is important to note, as the buyout configuration may require up-to-date credentials in order to be committed.


  1. Navigate to the Companies > Vendors Menu, find the vendor in question and click their name to view their profile

  2. Click the Credentials tab in the bottom box on the vendor profile

  3. Click the Toolbox icon for the Credential that needs to be renewed, then click the Renew button

4. Add the reference information as needed, attach the document, then click save.

5. The Credential can also be renewed from a buyout commitment in step 4. Click the Upload button to update the credential.

3. Remove Vendor Credentials

If a credential is no longer relevant, or otherwise unneeded, it can be deactivated within the Vendor's profile. It is not a necessary task, but it can help to clean up your credential lists. Primarily, it will prevent the deactivated credential from showing in credential reports and in Buyout Commitments.

Deactivated credentials are hidden by default and the credentials list in the Vendors Overview must be filtered to include "inactive" credentials to view them.


  1. Navigate to the Companies > Vendors Menu, find the vendor in question and click their name to view their profile.

  2. Click Edit

  3. Scroll down to the Credentials section of the profile, then click the tools icon for the credential you wish to de-activate and select "Edit"

4. OR Click on the Credentials tab at the bottom of the Vendor profile, then click the Toolbox icon for the credential in question and select "Renew"

5. Uncheck the Active checkbox at the bottom, then click Save

6. To view and reactivate deactivated credentials, Edit the vendor profile and click the Show All link at the top right of the Credentials section

4. View Vendor Credential Expiration

Credentials are qualifications certifying that a person or company does, in fact, meet the requirements for a job or task. Vendor credentials are managed in the Vendor's profile and may be changed or updated at any time. Because credentials are important in ensuring the safety and quality of your work, you may view the Credential expiration report which lists all Vendors in the system whose credentials have expired or are about to expire.


  1. From the Companies menu, select Vendors

  2. Click the blue "Credentials" Button on the top right of the Vendors list

  3. Select the filter icon and adjust "Credential Status" to view expired credentials or those in need of review; lastly, click "Filter & Hide"

  4. This list can be printed or saved to PDF by clicking the "Print" button; when finished reviewing, click "Close"

5. Add a Mandatory Credential

RedTeam users now have the ability to add Mandatory Credentials to any of their Vendors. These credentials are automatically added to any Commitment for which that Vendor is selected. The selected Vendor is then required to possess that credential before a commitment can be executed with them.

Using Mandatory Credentials helps reduce risk to your company by ensuring that every time a Commitment is created for that Vendor on any Project, the mandatory Credential is included in the “Required Credentials” step when creating a Commitment. Since Commitments can be configured to require these Credentials to be satisfied before they are either Committed or Executed, you can ensure they will be checked before one of those two critical points.


  1. From the Vendor Profile, click the Credential tab at the bottom, then click "+add new credential"

  2. Select the Credential Type from the dropdown and fill out the required information as well as upload a scanned copy (if applicable)

  3. Check "Mandatory" if you want this Credential to appear automatically on every Commitment for this Vendor

  4. Click Save when finished

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