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RedTeam Flex - Manage Equipment Utilization

Equipment Utilization may also be entered from a Project via a Progress Report.

Updated over a week ago

In addition to entering and managing Employee Equipment Usage manually, Equipment Utilization may also be entered from a Project via a Progress Report.

In order to track Equipment Utilization from a Progress Report, you must first have the Equipment set up in RedTeam in the Equipment menu. The Equipment Item must be set up with a Equipment Category that is linked to a Cost Pool set as "Actual Equipment Usage" in order for it to be assigned to a Project.

Once set up, "Assign Equipment" from the Equipment menu to an Employee and Project, and it will then automatically show up under the Equipment Utilization step when a user creates a Progress Report.

1. Add a Cost Pool

Cost Pools allow you to set up Rates and Allocation methods for costs related to Equipment. Once Configured, you can add or edit multiple Equipment Categories to link to each Cost Pool. The cost allocation for each pool can be set up in one of three ways, as described below.

Equipment Allocation Method Options:

  • Custodian Work Hours - Equipment will be allocated by the Rate entered based on hours an Employee who is assigned that Equipment item enters on their Timesheet for the duration that they are assigned the item.

  • Equipment Assignment Duration - Equipment will be allocated by the duration the Equipment item is assigned to a particular employee for all working days. Total amount is determined and allocated when the Equipment item is returned.

  • Actual Equipment Usage - Equipment will be allocated by the actual usage entered on the Employee's profile in the Equipment tab or from an Employee's Progress Report when the Equipment Item is assigned to that Project.

​IMPORTANT: When the third option is selected, Equipment Items linked to any Category that this Cost Pool is associated with will allow assignment of the Item to a Project in addition to an Employee. These Equipment Items may then be tracked on an Employee's daily Progress Report within a Project (RedTeam web and FieldShare app).


  1. From Configuration, select "Cost Pools".

  2. Click the New (+) icon.

  3. Enter a Description for the Cost Pool to be linked to one or more Equipment Categories later (e.g. "Power Tools" or "Bulldozers").

  4. Select an Equipment Allocation Method (see narrative above for descriptions of each option).

  5. Enter the Unit of Measure (if Actual Equipment Usage), Rate, and Year for which this Rate applies.

  6. Click "Save".

2. Add an Equipment Category

The Equipment menu of RedTeam allows you to track and manage any and all Equipment your company uses.* Keeping good internal records of your equipment will keep you organized and keep Employees accountable for their Equipment assigned to them.

When an Equipment item is created in RedTeam, you are required to select an Equipment Category (e.g. machinery, computers, vehicles, tools, etc.). This Category will not only organize your Equipment into a general group, but it also determines how the cost is allocated for the Equipment Item once it has been assigned to an Employee (and in some cases, a Project). This is determined by the Cost Pool that the Equipment Category is linked to.


  1. From Configuration, locate "Equipment Categories" (under the heading: Equipment).

  2. Click the New (+) icon.

  3. Enter a Description for the Equipment Category.

  4. Select a Cost Pool this Equipment Category will be linked to (this will determine the cost allocation for any Equipment Items linked to this Category).

  5. Click "Save".

3. Create New Equipment Item

The Equipment menu of RedTeam allows you to track and manage any and all Equipment your company uses. Keeping good internal records of your equipment will keep you organized and keep Employees accountable for their Equipment assigned to them.

To create new Equipment Items, you will need Permissions to access the Equipment menu and to create New Equipment. Contact your System Administrator if your require any changes to your Roles and/or Permissions. Follow the steps in this article to create new Equipment Items. Once created, they can be assigned to an Employee by clicking the "Assign Equipment" button.


  1. Go to the Equipment menu.

  2. Click "New (+) Icon".

  3. Fill in the form fields for the Equipment (more info on required fields below).

  4. Select a Category from the active Equipment Categories currently in Configuration, or click "+ Add New" to create a new permanent Category.

  5. Enter a "Tag" or descriptor you will use to search for and Assign the Equipment Item later (Tags may be repeated).

  6. Enter a Description, which you will see on the Equipment Overview and that can be used to search for and Assign the Equipment Item later.

  7. Select a "Condition" from the currently active Equipment Conditions in Configuration, or click "+ Add New" to create a new permanent Condition.

  8. Select a "Classification" from the active Accounting Classifications in Configuration, or click "+ Add New" to create a new permanent Classification.

  9. Fill in any of the other optional fields that you wish to include; these fields can be edited later as well.

  10. Click "Save".

  11. From the Confirmation screen, you may Assign Equipment or Close to go to the Equipment Profile and review or modify the information.

4. Assign Equipment

Assigning Equipment in RedTeam allows you to track the Employee responsible for a piece of Equipment, and is critical to the process of managing Equipment Utilization and Usage. Follow the steps in this Wiki to Assign Equipment to an Employee (and in some cases a Project).

Active Equipment items that have been created in the Equipment menu of RedTeam may be assigned to Employees from several places, including:

  • Equipment Overview

  • Equipment Profile

  • Confirmation message upon creating a new Equipment item


  1. Click on the "Assign Equipment" button from any of the locations listed above.

  2. In Step 1: General Information, enter the Assigned on Date and the Custodian (Employee); optionally, enter any Notes regarding this Assignment.

  3. In Step 2: Search Criteria, enter a Tag OR Name (Equipment Description) and click Search to locate available (Unassigned) Equipment Items.

  4. Click "Include" next to an Equipment Item in the search results to enter the remaining information.

  5. Once all the information has been entered, click "Save".

5. Add Equipment Utilization on a Progress Report

Equipment Utilization facilitates the tracking of Equipment Items assigned to a specific Employee and Project by whatever unit of measure (often hours or days) you choose for the specific Equipment item. This information will be tracked on the daily Progress Report and summarized for a selected date range on the Performance Overview.

In order to add Equipment Utilization to a Progress Report, you must first make sure:

  1. You have Active Equipment item(s) set up in RedTeam.

  2. The Equipment item(s) are configured with a Cost Pool that is set as "Actual Usage".

  3. The Equipment item(s) are Assigned to the Employee/Project.


  1. In a Project, go to the Progress tab and click New (+) or Edit a Draft Progress Report

  2. Enter all required information in step 1: Progress.

  3. In step 2: Equipment, click "Add Equipment Utilization".

  4. All Equipment item(s) assigned to this Project via an Employee will appear in the lightbox; enter the Utilization to add.

  5. Once you have added amounts in the Utilization column for the item(s) you wish to add, click "Save"

  6. All Equipment entered will appear in step 2, and you can click the pencil icon to Edit or trash can to Delete.

  7. Tip: use the Notes icon to add details to the Equipment Utilization, e.g.. names of operator(s), delivery info, storage, etc.

6. Add Equipment Utilization on a Progress Report (FieldShare App)

Equipment Utilization facilitates the tracking of Equipment Items assigned to a specific Employee and Project by whatever unit of measure (often hours or days) you choose for the specific Equipment item. This information will be tracked on the daily Progress Report and summarized for a selected date range on the Performance Overview.

In order to add Equipment Utilization to a Progress Report on the FieldShare App, you must first make sure:

  1. You have Active Equipment item(s) set up in RedTeam.

  2. The Equipment item(s) are configured with a Cost Pool that is set as "Actual Usage".

  3. The Equipment item(s) are Assigned to the Employee/Project.

Once the above steps have been completed, you can follow the instructions in this Wiki to enter Equipment Utilization via the FieldShare App. If you do not have the FieldShare App on your device, you may download it from the following links:


  1. Open the FieldShare App on your mobile device and log in (using the same credentials you use to log in on a browser).

  2. Go to Projects.

  3. Make sure the Project you want to enter Equipment Utilization for is selected at the top (use the search if you have no Favorites in dropdown).

  4. Tap on "Equipment Utilization" in the menu for the Project.

  5. All Equipment Items assigned to this Project will be listed, look for "Tap here" for each Item to add Utilization.

  6. For each Equipment Item, add the Utilization based on the U/M for the Item and (optionally) enter any Notes regarding this Equipment Utilization.

  7. Once entered, tap "Save".

  8. Once entered and saved, Equipment Utilization will appear and any Notes entered will be indicated with the green checkmark.

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