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RedTeam Flex - FAQs: Submitting Proposals

These are your Frequently Asked Questions regarding submitting Proposals in RedTeam Flex.

Updated over a week ago

1. How do I submit a Proposal to an Owner in RedTeam Flex?

During the preconstruction/estimating phase of a project, while the Project is still in Request status, the Proposal details such as pricing, Schedule of Values, and clarifications are finalized in the Contract tab.

When you are ready to submit and send the Proposal to the Owner, you will want to promote the Project to Proposal status. Doing so will take a snapshot of the Proposal at that time, and the copy will always be available in the History of the Proposal, which you can view from the Contract tab -> View -> Proposal.

You must have the appropriate permissions to promote a Project to a new status. If you are unable to Commit Pricing because of permission limitations, please contact your System Administrator or contact us using the chat bubble on the bottom left of your screen.


  1. Click Request in the status bar (highlighted red) at the top of the page

  2. Click Promote.

  3. To view the Proposal, go to Step 7 of the Project Setup form, and click View Proposal.

From the Proposal View, click Email or Print

2. How do I make adjustments to the Proposal when negotiating with an Owner?

Every time a Proposal is submitted in RedTeam Flex by promoting the Project to Proposal status, the RedTeam Flex takes a snapshot of the live data at the moment it is promoted. It saves the snapshot in the History dropdown on the View of the Proposal (top center).

When you are negotiating a project with an Owner and they ask you to make changes and re-submit your Proposal, you find the Project in RedTeam Flex and demote it from Proposal back to Request status, make the changes, and promote it once again, at which time the software takes another snapshot. Repeat this as many times as necessary until you and the Owner have reached an agreement and finalized pricing, then promote the project to In Progress status.

You must have the appropriate permissions to demote/promote a Project to a new status. If you are unable to demote because of permission limitations, please contact your System Administrator or or contact us using the chat bubble on the bottom left of your screen.


  1. Click Proposal on the Project Workflow bar, and click Demote.

  2. Go to the Cost Estimate Step in the Project Setup form to adjust the Estimate or to the Proposal step to make all necessary adjustments to the Proposal.

  3. When ready to promote click Request on the Project Workflow bar, and click Promote.

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