Fieldlens - Project Address

Adding an address to your Fieldlens project

Updated over a week ago

When you first create a project in the mobile or web app, you’ll be asked for a zip code - that’s it. But you or another project organizer can always update your project with a specific address from the Fieldlens web app.

To make any changes to a project address, you’ll need to access your project settings. You can go right to your project settings by clicking the gear icon next to any project name. This icon will only be visible to project organizers.

You can also get here from the Projects Page. Just tap on the project name at the top left of the web app, and you’ll see the option to Manage Projects. Click that button and then select the project you want to update.

Note: There will be a project organizer badge next to any project you can edit.

Once selected, you’ll see a map on the right of the panel. Hover over and click the pencil icon to fill in your street address and unit number - or adjust your city, zip code, and country.

Hit the Save button to save your changes and Done to exit the screen.

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