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RedTeam Flex - Issue Request for Quote (RFQ)

Detailed steps to create, edit, commit, view, request, and update Request for Quotes

Updated over 2 years ago

A Request for Quote (RFQ), sometimes called an Invitation to Bid or a Request for Pricing, is the process of requesting vendors to bid on specific products or services. An RFQ will often include specifications about the item's price, payment terms, contract length and more. With RedTeam, creating, editing, and sending RFQs is simple. As early as the Request phase of your project, you may create detailed RFQs, commit them, and send them to potential bidders.

Users can generate RFQs by selecting a cost code, then applying criteria (such as distance from a zip code, insurances, and more) to allow RedTeam Flex to search your database for Vendors that meet the criteria. You can quickly select from these qualified Vendors and create ready-to-send RFQ documents, effectively allowing users to manage a bidders list and log right from RedTeam.

You can create and send Requests for Quote in any Project status except Draft, Closed, or Cancelled. Most RFQs will be issued while the Project is in Request status.

1. Create Request for Quote (RFQ)

A Request for Quote can be mass emailed to several Vendors as well as filtered by whether or not the sub intends to bid. When you send the RFQ email from RedTeam, each Vendor (subcontractor) will receive a separate email from your email address, which includes a link to open and view the RFQ, as well as three clickable links to indicate if the Vendor will bid the job (Yes, No, Maybe) that will populate your bidders list automatically.

If the Vendor contact opening the link to RFQ was on the original "To" sender list, s/he will be able to upload the Quote directly from that link. The RFQ sender will then receive an email notification that a Quote has been uploaded, so they can log into RedTeam Flex and view it.

If a Quote is received manually (via email, fax, mail, etc.), you can manually convert the RFQ to a Quote to enter the information into RedTeam.

In RedTeam you have the option to use the RFQ process for both original scope Projects as well as a Potential Changes within a Project, to request pricing from Vendors for changes which you can then incorporate into a Change Proposal to the client.

The following steps will show you how to create and send Request for Quote documents.


  1. From the Project Home Menu, select "+ Request for Quote"


  1. From the Estimate tab, click the Manage icon

  2. Select "Vendor Quotes" then click the New (+) icon and select "Request for Quote (RFQ)"

  3. Step 1: General Information is where you select the information to be included in all the RFQs you create here

  4. Step 2: Refine Criteria is where you actually search and refine the Vendors you will then select to be recipients of the RFQs

  5. Click "Search"

  6. Use the checkboxes to select the Vendor(s) for which RFQs will be created, and select a contact, if applicable

  7. Click "Save"

  8. Click "Add Additional Requests for Quote (RFQ)" in the confirmation window to add more RFQs, or click "close"

2. Edit or Update a Request for Quote (RFQ)

Once a Request for Quote has been created in RedTeam Flex, it will be in Draft status (green). While in Draft, you can make changes to an individual RFQ by clicking Edit from the tools icon. Here, you can change any of the information that was entered when you originally created the RFQ, such as the Vendor name and contact, cost code, category (labor, material, or subcontract), required date and time, and/or any special instructions.

Additionally, you may Edit each RFQ to update the response from the Vendor as to whether they do or do not intend to submit a bid for this RFQ. This will update the "Bidding" column in the Manage Quotes section of the project.

To Edit multiple RFQs at one time, such as in the case of a changed bid date, you can select multiple Draft RFQs using the check boxes to their left and use the "Update" feature.


  1. From the Project Home Menu, select "Vendor Quotes"

  2. OR

  3. From the project's Estimate tab, click the "Manage" icon

  4. Find the RFQ you want to Edit in the list

  5. Click the tools icon

  6. Click "Edit RFQ" (The RFQ must be in DRAFT status to Edit, otherwise you must first Uncommit)

  7. Make the changes to the individual RFQ

  8. Click "Save"

  9. To update multiple RFQs at once, click the checkboxes for the RFQs you want to update (the Update icon will appear when boxes are checked)

  10. Click "Update"

  11. Make the changes to the selected RFQs

  12. Click "Save"

3. View Request for Quote (RFQ)

RedTeam Flex generates signature-ready RFQ documents with a few clicks. You can View a RFQ record to review and confirm it. From the View, you can Commit (to remove the DRAFT watermark), Print, or Email the RFQ. Follow the instructions below to View a Request for Quote.


  1. From the Project Home Menu, select "Vendor Quotes"


  1. From the project's Estimate tab, click on the "Manage" Icon and select Vendor Quotes

  2. Locate the RFQ in the list of Vendor Quotes

  3. Click the tools icon

  4. Click "View RFQ"

4. Commit or Mass Commit Request for Quote (RFQ)

Once a Request for Quote has been created in RedTeam, it will be in Draft status (green). RFQs in Draft status may be modified or deleted. Once you are ready to send the RFQ, you will want to Commit it. This will lock in the information entered while the RFQ was in Draft status, and remove the "DRAFT" watermark from the document when you View. Once Committed, you will need permissions to Uncommit if you want to make changes to the RFQ. Contact your system administrator if you need a record Uncommitted.

You can Commit a RFQ individually from the tools icon, or Commit multiple RFQs at once using the "Mass Commit" feature.


  1. From the Project's Home menu, click "Vendor Quotes"


  1. From the project's Estimate tab, click the "Manage" icon and select Vendor Quotes

  2. To Commit an individual Request for Quote, locate it in the list and click the tools icon

  3. Click "Commit"

  4. The individual RFQ will now be in Committed status (blue)

  5. To Commit multiple RFQs at one time, locate and click the checkboxes for the RFQs in the list

  6. Click "Commit"

  7. The selected RFQs will now be in Committed status (blue)

5. Mass Email Requests for Quote (RFQs)

When you are ready to send your Requests for Quote, you can send one individually from the document Viewing window (see View Requests for Quote wiki for more info) by clicking Email. Another option is to send multiple RFQ records at one time.

When you email multiple RFQs, they are sent as individual emails to each vendor, so your bidding stays private.

When you email RFQs from RedTeam, you have two options for recipients: To: and CC:. Recipients listed in the To: section will receive a RFQ with an "Upload Quote" button that allows them to submit their Quote electronically from the RFQ document. Recipients listed in the CC: section will receive a RFQ looks exactly the same, but without the option to upload their Quote and submit electronically.


  1. From the Project's Home menu, click "Vendor Quotes"


  1. From the project's Estimate tab, click the "Manage Icon" and select Vendor Quotes

  2. Use the checkboxes to select the RFQs to be emailed, or use the "all" checkbox to select all RFQs on this page (check page # in upper right corner)

  3. Click "Email"

  4. You can update the Subject, CCs, and message for all Emails at once by entering it at the top and clicking "Apply Changes"

  5. Scroll down to prepare each email by adding recipients, CCs, BCCs, and personalized messages, if necessary

  6. Scroll to the top of the window and click "Send"

  7. The date, time, sender, and recipient will be stored in the metadata of the RFQs (hover over the icon in the Log column)

6. UnCommit Request for Quote (RFQ)

Once a Request for Quote has been Committed in RedTeam Flex, it will appear blue. At this point, the RFQ information is locked and cannot be modified unless it is first UnCommitted.

You must have the correct permission to UnCommit an RFQ. If you need to make changes but do not have the permission to UnCommit, contact your system administrator or chat with our Support team.

If you have permission, you can UnCommit one RFQ or multiple RFQs at once.


  1. From the Project's Home menu, click "Vendor Quotes"


  1. From the project's Estimate tab, click the "Manage" icon and select Vendor Quotes

  2. Locate the RFQ you want to Uncommit in the list

  3. Click the tools icon

  4. Click "UnCommit"

  5. The RFQ will now be in Draft status (green)

  6. To UnCommit multiple RFQs at one time, click the checkboxes for the Committed RFQs you want to UnCommit

  7. Click "Uncommit"

7. Delete Request for Quote (RFQ)

An RFQ must be in DRAFT status in order to be Deleted. You will not see the Delete option if the record is in Committed status, or if you do not have the permission.

For help Deleting RFQs, please contact yous system administraror or chat with our Support team.


  1. From the Project's Home menu, click "Vendor Quotes"

  2. OR

  3. From the project's Estimate tab, click the "Manage" icon and select Vendor Quotes

  4. Locate the Draft RFQ in the list of Vendor Quotes

  5. Click the tools icon

  6. Click "Delete"

8. Update Vendor Bidding Response to Request for Quote (RFQ)

When you send a Request for Quote (RFQ) from RedTeam, your Vendor will receive an email with a link to the RFQ document. Also included in that email are three links to indicate their intention to bid: Yes, No, or Maybe.

When the Vendor clicks this link in the RFQ email, their response is updated automatically in your RFQ list. Sometimes though, the bidder will respond with their intention to bid (or not) by some other medium, such as a phone call. In these cases, you can manually update the Vendor's bidding response.


  1. From the Project's Home menu, click "Vendor Quotes"


  1. From the Project's Estimate tab, click the "Manage" icon and select Vendor Quotes

  2. Locate the RFQ in the list of Vendor Quotes (the RFQ can be in Draft or Committed status)

  3. In the Bidding column, click "TBD"

  4. Select a response and click the Save icon (floppy Disc)

  5. You may also update the response by Editing the RFQ

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