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RedTeam Flex - Configure Entity Sub Types

In RedTeam Flex, there are four basic types of entities that exist in the system: Customers, Occupants, Third-Parties, and Vendors.

Updated over 6 months ago

In RedTeam Flex, there are four basic types of entities that exist in the system: Customers, Occupants, Third-Parties, and Vendors. Sometimes you may find that you need to add an entity to RedTeam Flex that doesn't fall exactly into one of these categories. This is often the case with Third-Parties, which tend to be more specifically architects, consultants, engineers, etc. In order to give your entity a more specific label, you may create Entity Sub Types in the Configuration section.

1. Create an Entity Sub Type

The purpose of Entity Sub Types in RedTeam Flex is to more acutely define an entity (company) in your database. In RedTeam Flex, the entities and contacts that make up your database fall into three main categories:

  • Vendor = a company or entity that you hire to perform services, supply material, rent equipment, etc. These entities submit Invoices for payment to you. Eg. subcontractors, suppliers, material providers.

  • Customer = a company or entity that hires you to perform services and deliver Projects. These entities will receive Invoices for payment from you. Eg. owners, clients.

  • Third-Party = a company or entity that is an integral part of the Project and works closely with you, but is neither pays or is paid by you. These entities are often hired by your Customer. Eg. architects, engineers, consultants.

The examples bolded above are often the Entity Sub Type. These are labels that more succinctly define an entity that falls into the three main categories. The advantages to applying a Sub Type to these companies are both an identifier and a way to easily group or distinguish certain entities from other, i.e. if you want to be able to identify and locate a subcontractor over a material supplier, which both helps you quickly tell what kind of service/goods the company provides as well as defines requirements you may have in one case over another, such as what insurance credentials you need to keep on file.


  1. From the Configuration menu, click Entity Sub Types.

  2. Click the Add (+) icon.

  3. Enter a description and select the Entity category (see above for definitions) it applies to.

  4. Click "Save".

2. Edit or Delete an Entity Sub Type

Once created, Entity Sub Types can be modified or removed as an option to apply to an Entity in the database.

To modify an Entity Sub Type, you can click Edit from the tools icon and change the name, i.e. change "Material" to "Material Supplier"

To remove an Entity Sub Type that has not been applied to an Entity in the database, you can click Delete from the tools icon and it will be removed permanently.

To remove an Entity Sub Type that has been applied to an Entity in the database, you can click Edit from the tools icon and make it Inactive and it will no longer be available to be applied to any new Entities in the database.


  1. From the Configuration menu, click Entity Sub Types.

  2. Locate the Entity Sub Type in the list.

  3. Click the tools icon.

  4. Click "Edit" to modify the name of the Entity Sub Type or to make it Inactive.

  5. Click "Delete" to remove the Entity Sub Type permanently (option grayed out if in use, inactivate instead).

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