The Project Bids tab will help you manage and track your proposals process, bid dates, pricing and how your bid compares to those of other bidders. You will find all projects in Draft, Request, or Proposal status, sorted by the bid date. From here, you can directly access Projects while also being able to view the overall state of affairs for all proposals or pending proposals.
1. Bids Tab columns
The Bids tab has many columns that allow you to examine your company's current proposals and their statuses, as well as directly interact with those projects. Here you will find what each of the projects do.
Edit: The Pencil icon will allow you to directly edit the scope of the project. The Home icon will open the project's Home Menu.
Plans: This will open the project's Online Planroom.
Project Name/Number: Clicking the Project Name or Number will take you to the dashboard page for that project.
Customer: This is the customer for the project.
Bid Date / Pre Bid: These dates are determined in the Project's Scope.
Amount: This is the current committed proposal price.
Oppt. Manager: If this project is linked to an opportunity, this displays the associated manager. If there is one, it can be set through the Project Scope.
Manager: This is the designated Project Manager. It can be changed in the Project Scope.
Rank: This is manually entered and represents your rank within the bidders for the project.
Bidders: This is the total number of bidders for the project.
RFQs: This is the total number of RFQs. Clicking the number will open the RFQ analytics as a popup.
Notes: If a Project Scope has any listed notes, the icon will appear yellow. Hovering over the icon will display the notes as a tooltip.
2. Edit Scope from Bids tab
A Project's Scope can be directly edited from the Bids tab. This will allow you to make changes without needing to leave the overall project list.
Within the Project Bids tab, click the Pencil icon beside the Project you wish to edit.
Make any needed changes to Scope, then click the Save button at the top.
3. Calendar View
The Calendar View of the Bids tab includes all of the projects in Draft, Request, and Proposal stage, listed by pre bid and bid dates. Those dates are determined by the scope entries within the projects.
Clicking on a calendar entry will give some additional detail, including the project Name, Manager, Customer, and Customer Contact. It will also provide a button to edit the Project Scope.