RedTeam Go - What is Pending Phase?

This article describes the Pending status.

Updated over a week ago

The project stays in this phase until a determination is made by the Owner whether to go ahead with the project. From here the GC can create a revision (this saves the original project in Pending and creates a revision in Bidding), set it to Not Awarded, or set it to Bidding (this returns the job to the Bidding phase where the GC can adjust the estimate and proposal package). If the project is awarded to the GC, they would accept the alternates as prescribed and create the Owner Contract in Pending before the project is promoted to Will Start Soon. The RedTeam Go contract value must equal the Owner’s contract value exactly before the GC promotes the project to Will Start Soon. Once the project is in Will Start Soon, the GC will not be able to change the contract value or move the status of the project backward.

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