Item Details
There are only 2 required cells to save a Submittal, Title and Type. The rest of the fields below are optional.
Title: The name of the Submittal
Specifications: Click into the cell for a drop-down list of Specifications from the Planroom.
Type: Select the Type of Submittal from the list of options: Document, Pay Request, Payroll, Plans, Prints, Product Info, Product Manual, Sample, Drawing, Specification, Other
Description: include a detailed description of the submittal if desired (optional)
Cost Code: Start typing to bring up a list of cost codes that meet the typed criteria. (This is typically only used if you have created Custom Submittal Packages that do not already include the cost code references.)
Drawings: Click into the cell for a drop-down list of Drawings from the planroom.
All Submittals will begin with 3 Assignment lines one for each of the following titles. You can add or delete assignee lines as needed.
The Assignments section of the Submittal Form will automatically populate Due Dates for all parties based on the Final Due Date (or Due on Site date) selected in the Scheduling section (see below), but these can be set manually if desired.
Submitter: If a subcontractor is awarded a cost item or is in a position to have the cost code awarded to them on the award subs page, their name will populate in the submitter line.
GC Reviewer: The person putting in the submittal will be the GC review but this can be changed if necessary.
Approver: The official Architect will pull from your project team. (Hint: If this contact is not populating make sure they have been added as the official Architect and not simply added with the + sign on the Project Dashboard>Project Team list!)
You can change who is identified for each role by clearing out the Responsible Party field and selecting another party. Start to type the company or contact name and select when it appears. The contacts must be in the database so emails can be sent.
Add additional Reviewer or Approval contacts by clicking on the Add New Assignee button. NOTE: It is important to keep the Assignments in the above order Submitter>GC Reveiwer to Approver. The Automated workflow ensures that the correct parties are updated as the Submittal proceeds.
Delete an assignment line by clicking on the ellipses.
Placing a Final Approval date or a Due on Site date into the Scheduling section of the Submittal will calculate all the due dates for each user in the Assignments section.
NOTE: Due on Site date is not required if the Submittal item does not need to be ordered or delivered to the project location. If you do not want to use Due on Site field place a zero in the Order Lead time field. The default Order Lead time comes from Settings and can be changed (see below).
Due on Site: This is the date the material is due on the job site. It is not a required field, but will calculate if the Submittal as an Order Lead time entered.
Order Lead: This is the order lead time for the materials. This is a default setting that can be changed under Settings>Set Lead Time for New Submittals. If can be set to zero if you prefer to enter a custom Order Lead time for each Submittal.
Final Approval: This is the date approval is needed from the final Approver in order for the project to remain on schedule. This date is used to back calculate the due dates for all other Assignees based on their Days to Review in the assignments section. Days to Review is also a default setting that can be changed under Settings>Set Lead Time for New Submittals>Days to Review for GC and Others.
Anyone on the distribution list will be notified by email of returned submittal documents. If you are copying the same contacts for all Submittals, you can add with one click the Use previous distribution link. This will populate with the contacts you used on the last submittal you created.
HINT: Do not add anyone who is already in the Assignments section of the Submittal or they will receive duplicate notifications!