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RedTeam Go - How do I set my Company Bid Invitation Email Letter Default?
RedTeam Go - How do I set my Company Bid Invitation Email Letter Default?

How to set your company's bid invitation letter defaults.

Updated over a week ago

A Default template is now available to be set in Administration. This template can be set so that a company standard can be used on all projects without the user having to edit the in-project letter each time. You must be an Administrator to access the Administration.

To Edit go to Profile>Administration>Default Settings>Bid Invitation E-mail Letter

  • Take the Tour to learn how to work with the letter!

  • The items that appear in the header portion will populate automatically.

  • Drag and drop the Icons into the letter body where the project specific information should appear. Text can be edited and deleted within the body.

  • Beware of issues that could be created when cutting and pasting language in from another location as hidden or invisible formatting code will often come into the body as a result. Pasting plain text and using the text editor capabilities can avoid this issue.

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